Diving into fun

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The next morning, Nagisa slowly wakes up, feeling the familiar warmth of Kyoka's embrace. Her arms are wrapped around him tightly, holding him close as if she never intends to let go. He tries to gently wriggle free but finds her grip surprisingly strong.

Nagisa: 'whispering' Kyoka, come on, I need to get up.

Kyoka mumbles something incoherent in her sleep, her hold on him only tightening. Nagisa sighs, half-amused, half-resigned to his fate.

Nagisa rolls his eyes: You're really not going to let me go, are you?

Kyoka finally stirs, blinking sleepily as she looks up at him with a sleepy pout.

Kyoka: 'whining' No way. You're too comfy.

Nagisa: But we have a whole day ahead of us. We can't just stay in bed all day.

Kyoka: 'smirking' Why not? We're on vacation. Besides, you're my cute little cuddle bug now.

Nagisa feels his cheeks flush at the nickname but can't help but chuckle.

Nagisa: 'playfully' Oh, is that what I am now?

Kyoka: 'grinning' Absolutely. Now stop moving. I'm not ready to let you go.

Nagisa sighs in mock defeat, settling back into her embrace. They lay there for a while longer, savoring the comfort and warmth of each other's presence. Eventually, though, Nagisa gently nudges her.

Nagisa: 'softly' Alright, seriously, we should get up. We have a beautiful island to explore.

Kyoka: 'sighing' Fine, fine. But you owe me more cuddle time later.

Nagisa: 'laughing' Deal.

They finally disentangle themselves and get out of bed, starting their day with shared smiles and a light-hearted mood. As they get ready, Kyoka continues her playful teasing, clearly enjoying how easily she can make Nagisa blush.

Kyoka: 'teasingly' So, Nagi-chan, what shall we do today? Maybe find a dress for my cute little cuddle bug?

Nagisa: 'rolling his eyes' You're never going to let me live that down, are you?

Kyoka: 'grinning' Not a chance. It's too much fun.

Nagisa can't help but smile,

After getting dressed and ready for the day, Nagisa and Kyoka step out of their hotel room, greeted by the warm Hawaiian sun and the gentle breeze from the ocean. They decide to start their day with a leisurely breakfast at a nearby café, enjoying the fresh tropical fruits and delicious local dishes.

Kyoka: 'smiling' This place is amazing. I could get used to this.

Nagisa: 'nodding' Yeah, it's really nice. I'm glad we decided to come here for our honeymoon.

Kyoka: 'teasing' Oh, definitely. Plus, I get to have fun teasing my cute wife all day.

Nagisa blushes, still not entirely used to being called Kyoka's wife, especially in his current form.

Nagisa: 'flustered' Can you not say that so loud?

Kyoka: 'laughing' Why? Afraid someone will hear?

Nagisa: 'sighing' You know I'm still getting used to this.

Kyoka: 'Grinning' well you look adorable, so there's that.

Nagisa: 'grinning' Thanks, I guess.

After breakfast, they decide to explore a bit of the island, taking a leisurely walk along the beach. Kyoka insists on holding Nagisa's hand the entire time, occasionally swinging their arms playfully.

Kyoka: 'excitedly' Look at that, Nagi-chan! We should totally go snorkeling later.

Nagisa: 'smiling' Sure, sounds fun. I've never tried it before.

Kyoka: 'teasing' Maybe you'll find a lizard underwater to copy. Then you can turn into a mermaid.

Nagisa: 'laughing' Oh, please no. I think one transformation is enough for this trip.

As they continue their walk, Kyoka spots a small boutique and pulls Nagisa inside. She immediately starts picking out various outfits, clearly enjoying the chance to dress Nagisa up.

Kyoka: 'holding up a sundress' How about this one? It would look so cute on you.

Nagisa: 'groaning' Do I really have to try it on?

Kyoka: 'pouting' Yes, you do. For me?

Nagisa: 'sighing' Fine, fine. But only because it's you.

Kyoka: 'beaming' Yay! You're the best.

After some playful back-and-forth and several outfit changes, they leave the boutique with a few new clothes for Nagisa. Kyoka's delighted expression makes it all worth it for him.

Kyoka: 'smiling' I love this look on you. You should dress like this more often.

Nagisa: 'blushing' Only if it's just you

Kyoka: 'grinning' Deal. This look is for my eyes only, k can't let anyone we know see my adorable wife

They spend the rest of the day exploring the island, visiting local attractions, and simply enjoying each other's company. Throughout it all, Kyoka keeps up her playful teasing, taking every opportunity to make Nagisa blush and laugh.

Then it's time for snorkelling Nagisa having his reptile powers only really needs the wet suit as a formality

Kyoka does need it although she can use her powers to go through the water very quickly

Person: So two of snorkelling then, hey are you two lovely ladies together

Kyoka; Yup she's my adorable wife

Person: ahh cool, alright your all set, here's your gear go and have fun

Kyoka: Thank you we will

They are then on a boat

Nagisa: did you really have too call me your wife?

Kyoka grins: of course I did, after all that's exactly what you are

Nagisa rolls his eyes but smiles

They swim around together finding all sorts of cool fish, Nagisa even faces off against a shark and proves why he's at the top of the food chain

Kyoka gave her king of beasts a reward after all she was his queen

This of course made Nagisa blush

As the sun begins to set, they find a quiet spot on the beach to watch the sunset. Nagisa leans against Kyoka, his head resting on her shoulder. Kyoka starts playing with his hair

Kyoka: 'softly' Today was perfect. Thank you, Nagisa.

Nagisa: 'smiling' No, thank you. For everything.

Kyoka: 'whispering' I love you.

Nagisa: 'whispering back' I love you too.

They sit there in comfortable silence, both enjoying the fact that they will indeed stay together forever, til death do us part and all that

And that's a wrap

Don't worry I'll be starting a new story soon, just one more of these and we're all done

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