The elemental master

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Kyoka clenches her fists, her determination burning bright in her eyes.

Kyoka: You sick bastard! We won't let you get away with this!

Nagisa nods, his resolve matching Kyoka's.

Nagisa: She's right, it's time for you to pay!

Shiki's grin widens, relishing the challenge.

Shiki: Oh, how delightful! Let's see if you can back up those words.

With a swift motion, Shiki raises his hand, conjuring pillars of earth to rise from the ground, aiming to trap the duo.

Kyoka reacts quickly, creating a sonic blast to shatter the incoming earth pillars, while Nagisa leaps into action, using his reptilian agility to evade the onslaught.

Nagisa: We need to find a way to take him down

Kyoka: that we can definitely agree on but it's not gonna be easy

Nagisa: Haha when is it ever?

Kyoka nods with a grin of her own: Yeah true dat

The two heroes engage in a coordinated attack, dodging Shiki's elemental assaults and launching counterattacks whenever they find an opening.

Shiki, however, proves to be a formidable opponent, effortlessly deflecting their attacks with precise control over earth and wind.

Shiki: Is that the best you can do? You'll have to try harder than that to defeat me!

Kyoka grits her teeth, determination burning in her eyes.

Kyoka: Fine then! Let's rev it up!

As the battle rages on, Nagisa and Kyoka find themselves locked in a fierce struggle against Shiki's overwhelming power. Despite their best efforts, Shiki's mastery over the elements proves to be a formidable challenge.

Nagisa: dammit what the hell is this guy made of every move we do he has an answer too it

Kyoka: Yeah this is getting really annoying

Nagisa's eyes widen as an idea begins to form in his mind.

Nagisa: Kyoka, I have an idea, but we'll need to work together.

Kyoka nods, her determination matching Nagisa's.

Kyoka: What's the plan Babe

Nagisa: We need to disrupt his concentration. If we can throw him off balance, we might be able to find an opening.

Kyoka: Got it. Let's do this.

With a nod of agreement, Nagisa and Kyoka launch a coordinated assault, attacking Shiki from multiple angles and forcing him to split his focus.

Shiki: Impressive, but futile! You can't hope to defeat me!

But Nagisa and Kyoka press on, their attacks becoming more relentless as they chip away at Shiki's defenses.

Nagisa: Now, Kyoka!

Kyoka nods, understanding Nagisa's plan. With a powerful sonic blast, she creates a deafening noise,

Shiki: Argh! You bitch!

This disrupts Shiki's concentration and leaves him vulnerable.

Seizing the opportunity, Nagisa charges forward, delivering a powerful blow that sends Shiki crashing to the ground.

Shiki: Argh! How... how did you...?

Nagisa and Kyoka stand over the psychopath

Nagisa: It's over, Shiki. You may have power, but you gained it for revenge and now you're paying the price

Echoes of heroes, Invincible x Ocs Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora