To the skies

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The next morning

Nagisa is standing there with a smirk on his face

Kyoka: well what are you so happy about

Nagisa: simple I'm going to train you too be able to fly using that new thing you learned

Kyoka: fine then I'll look forward too another area I can kick your ass in

Nagisa: you wanna bring it on well consider it bring

They get to the training room

Kyoka takes to the sky and starts flying around

Nagisa: wow looks like you're a natural

Kyoka: well of course I am

She picks up the pace and flies all around the training room

She then lands

Kyoka: well what you think

Nagisa: pretty good but could definitely use some work

Kyoka: Oh ywah!

She launches herself at Nagisa

Nagisa just catches the punch

Nagsia: sorry

He pushes her back and it sends her reeling through the air not quickly

Nagisa: you gotta learn to catch yourself

Kyoka gets serious and rights herself using sound arm her hands

Nagisa claps: well done now wanna test it out

Kyoka: sure

She rushes at Nagisa

As Nagisa and Kyoka continued their training session, their playful banter escalated into a lighthearted sparring match. Kyoka darted through the air with finesse, her movements fluid and graceful as she attempted to land a hit on Nagisa. But try as she might, he proved to be a slippery target, effortlessly dodging her attacks with a mischievous grin.

Nagisa: You're going to have to try harder than that, Kyoka

He starts ducking and weaving with ease.

Kyoka laughed, her competitive spirit fueling her determination: Oh, I plan to, Nagi. Just you wait

Kyoka launched herself into the air, her movements swift and unpredictable as she closed in on Nagisa. She feinted left, then right, attempting to catch him off guard, but Nagisa remained one step ahead, his reflexes sharp as ever.

Nagisa taunts: You're getting warmer, Kyoka

He smirks at her enjoying this

Kyoka flashed him a sly grin,

Kyoka: Oh, I'm just getting started, Nagisa. You won't know what hit you

Kyoka the rushed in and stop right before Nagisa's face and leaned in close,

Kyoka whispering: You know, Nagisa, I have to admit...there's something incredibly attractive about a man who can dodge my every move

Nagisa's cheeks flushed at Kyoka's flirtatious remark, momentarily distracted by her proximity. In that split second of hesitation, Kyoka saw her opportunity and seized it. With a swift and decisive motion, she landed a perfectly timed strike, catching Nagisa off balance and sending him tumbling to the ground with a surprised yelp.

Kyoka landed gracefully lands in front of him and Nagisa skids acprrs the floor

Kyoka: well look what we have here the great Nagisa on the floor

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