The future

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Nightshade has been defeated

Naga turns back to Nagisa and then he kneels down next to the villain's unconscious body

Nagisa: So the grandson of the guy who made me who I am today

Kyoka rests her hand on his shoulder

Kyoka smiles: Yeah but who you are now is totally awesome I wouldn't of fallen for you if you weren't

Nagisa goes a little red: Haha thanks babe

Kyoka: anytime

Marcus the coughs killing the mood

Marcus: Alright as touching as this is I need to get this psycho back to his time which is about 25 years from now

Nagisa: Oh how are we like in the future

Marcus: Sorry you've sci-fi right can't say a word that could alter the time stream it could totally crash it

Kyoka pouts: damn alright but it was good meeting you hey maybe we'll see you again just a lot younger

Marcus sweats a little

Marcus: Yeah you might, Alright now let's get this thing started

He grabs a thing from his pocket and presses the button then a big green portal appears in front of them

Marcus: before I go I've got something for ya

He chucks Nagisa an envelope

He opens it up and sees that it's two tickets too Hawaii

Kyoka: Holy shit! Can we really have these?

Marcus smirks: Of course think of it as a thank you, I know for a fact you two need a break

Nagisa: Thanks kid we really appreciate it

Marcus smiles back

Marcus: No problem, maybe I will see you sometime in the future

Marcus picks up nightshade and throws the duo a peace sign then walks through the portal

Then said portal closes with a zap

Kyoka: Hey didn't Marcus seem..familiar

Nagisa: Yeah now that you mention it, he did his hair was quite similar to yours

Kyoka: But I'd say his figure was like yours

Nagisa: Huh well he's gone so we can't ask him

Kyoka: True and now we've got a free trip to Hawaii

Nagisa: Oh yeah!

Nagisa gives Cecil a ring

Nagisa: Hey Cecil, they've gone home it's all done

Cecil: Good job problem children, now get back here and get back to training, Also you two are allowed two weeks of vacation time once this week is over

Nagisa: Thanks Cecil, we'll make the most of it

Cecil: Heh I know you both will now get back here and get to training

Kyoka: On it boss

Now in the future

Marcus walks through the portal

Marcus: Well come on freak it's time to fly

Suddenly two familiar wings appeared on his back but they where slightly smaller then you'd think

The world was messed up ever since Invincible had gone missing the world had changed but the heroes still stood tall and Marcus was one of them

He landed at the headquarters

Echoes of heroes, Invincible x Ocs Where stories live. Discover now