Teen team and aliens again

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Nagisa and Kyoka go through the rest of school and decide to join Eve and mark

Eve: oh so you guys came too

Nagisa: yeah why not

Mark arrives

Kyoka: alright the gangs all here

Eve: ready

Mark nods

And they walk off together next thing we see is them all flying together

Well Kyoka is riding on Nagisa's back

Eve: Try to keep up

Kyoka: Oh we'll more than just try go!

Nagisa: yes mam!

Nagjsa speeds up after eve and flies close too the water picking up speed before shooting upwards and right past eve

Nagisa: Try and keep up!

Eve: oh you are so on!

Kyoka uses her sound waves too blast them even further forward

Nagisa swerves in between buildings and flies alongside mark

Nagisa: not bad mark but you gotta watch yourself


Nagisa goes straight up and mark crashes into a billboard

He recovers and sees eve and Nagisa flying then catches up with them

Eve: follow me

They fly after he all landing on a bridge

Mark: now what

Kyoka snaps her fingers and the floor opens up beneath them

Nagisa lowers Kyoka down

Mark: cool

Kyoka: ehh it's alright

Nagisa chuckles

Eve walks up to Rex and multikate

Rex: babe

Red and eve kiss

Mark looks uncomfortable

Nagisa sighs: alright guys enough with that already

Rex: oh! Uh hey Nagisa and Kyoka here too why

Nagisa: eve invited us

Kyoka: also this guys here too

Rex: oh it's the ice man

Eve: Rex!

Rex: couldn't of won thay fight without ya oh except we did

Nagisa and Kyoka: We helped you

Multikate: They also got old and ran away  

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