Mystery and grief

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Nagisa and Kyoka are at home

Nagisa has woken up after passing out

Kyoka: you doing ok

Nagisa: yeah just sore and got a major headache

Kyoka: understandable well luckily we haven't go too much to do for a couple of days

She wraps her arm around his neck and kisses him on the cheek

Kyoka: thank you for saving me my hero

Nagisa blushes: anytime you'd do the same for me

Kyoka: would and I have many times and would do it many times more

Kyoka wraps her arms around him and pulls him in for a full kiss and they just enjoy the moment

That is until

They hear a familiar teleportation sound

Cecil: alright you two stop it I've got something to tell you

Kyoka looks annoyed: what is it

Cecil: I spoke with omni-man and he said that he got a distress call from the guardians of the globe, the lights went out and next thing he knew the guardians where dead and he was heavily injured

Nagisa: that leaves two obvious possibilities both of which are terrifying

Cecil: exactly either omni man has indeed turned traitor which I don't want to believe

Kyoka: or there's someone out there who can kill an entire room of the most skilled heroes on earth and leave omni man whose a living force of nature in the hospital for weeks

Cecil: exactly dammit this is such a mess alright I'll leave you two for now but be ready to be on call we need you two now more than ever you know that

They both nod looking determined

Cecil sends them a small smile: that's my problem children

Cecil teleports again

After a couple of days involving watching movies, cuddling, eating junk food and uhh some fun activities

They are back at school rested and recharged with a few visible injuries but that's nothing new

They see Todd holding mark up against the lockers

Nagisa whispers to Kyoka: what are they saying

Kyoka: Todd gave mark Ambers number because she has blackmail on him

Nagisa: nice making the first move I like her already

Kyoka: yeah just like I did too you

Nagisa blushes a little: yeah well I can't complain

They both get a call and see that mark does too

They all get serious

Next thing they know the flaxins are back and are even stronger than they where before 

Robot: I have bad news

Rex: Oh! Robot's got bad news everybody! Did you hear that? Hey robot what's the bad news!?

"I don't like Rex too much but this sentence was relatable"

Robot; there are too many of them, their technology has advanced too far and they've rendered themselves immune to our time stream,we should consider this city lost, I shall contact Cecil and suggest a nuclear response

Mark: What no! No way!

Eve: we are not nuking anyone robot, we are not giving up

Nagisa: seriously what she said

Echoes of heroes, Invincible x Ocs Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz