Just another day in paradise

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The next morning, Nagisa wakes up to find himself once again ensnared in Kyoka's embrace. Her arms are wrapped around him possessively, holding him close as if unwilling to let him go. Nagisa chuckles softly, finding Kyoka's clinginess endearing yet slightly suffocating.

Nagisa: Kyoka, let me go. I need to get up.

Kyoka mumbles something unintelligible in response, her hold on Nagisa only tightening. Nagisa tries to wriggle free, but Kyoka's grip remains steadfast.

Nagisa: Come on, Kyoka. We have a whole day ahead of us, remember?

Kyoka finally stirs, blinking sleepily as she looks up at Nagisa with a pout.

Kyoka: 'whining' But I don't want to let you go. You're too warm and cuddly.

Nagisa can't help smiling and sighs

Nagisa exasperated: I'll still be warm and cuddly even if I'm not trapped in your arms, you know.

Kyoka reluctantly releases her hold on Nagisa, allowing him to sit up in bed. Nagisa stretches, feeling a pleasant ache in his muscles from yesterday's activities.

Kyoka: 'teasing' So, what's on the agenda for today, my lovely Nagi-chan?

Nagisa rolls his eyes at the nickname but can't help but grin at Kyoka's playful demeanor.

Nagisa: 'sarcastically' Oh, you know, the usual. Exploring the island, maybe indulging in some delicious food, and of course, enduring your endless teasing.

Kyoka laughs, her eyes sparkling mischievously as she swings her legs out of bed.

Kyoka: 'smirking' Oh, you know you love it. Besides, it's my job as your wife to keep you on your toes.

Nagisa chuckles

Nagisa: Well, you're certainly doing a great job at it.

Kyoka: oh I know now get dressed cutie

Nagisa sighs then puts on a tank top and a pair of shorts that show off his figure much to Kyoka's delight

As they get ready for the day, Nagisa notices Kyoka's playful smirk lingering, indicating that she's not done teasing him just yet. He braces himself for whatever antics she has in store, knowing full well that his wife can be relentless when she's in a teasing mood.

Nagisa: 'eyeing Kyoka warily' What are you planning, Kyoka?

Kyoka feigns innocence, batting her eyelashes innocently

Kyoka: 'innocently' Planning? Who, me? I'm just looking forward to spending another day with my adorable husband, that's all.

Nagisa narrows his eyes suspiciously, sensing that Kyoka is up to something.

Nagisa: 'skeptically' Right, and I'm sure that adorable husband of yours is going to be subjected to more of your playful teasing.

Kyoka giggles, her mischievous grin widening as she approaches Nagisa.

Kyoka: 'playfully' Oh, Nagi-chan, you know me too well. But don't worry, it's all in good fun.

Nagisa sighs, resigning himself to another day of being the target of Kyoka's teasing.

Nagisa: 'playfully' Well, I guess I'll just have to endure it like the good husband that I am.

Kyoka laughs, wrapping her arms around Nagisa's waist and pulling him into a warm embrace.

Kyoka: 'teasingly' That's the spirit, my dear Nagi-chan. Now, let's go out and enjoy our day together, shall we?

She kisses him on the neck causing a shiver to be sent up Nagisa's spine

Nagisa: K..Kyoka

Kyoka grinning: oh I'm not doing anything just enjoying the taste

She looks at this neck

Kyoka: oh looks like a left a little mark silly me

Nagisa goes red and looks at it: dammit

Kyoka: oh what's the issue now everyone knows you're taken

As they explore the island, Kyoka can't resist teasing Nagisa at every opportunity, finding joy in his flustered reactions. She playfully nudges him as they walk along the beach, giggling when he stumbles over his words in response.

Kyoka: 'teasingly' Look at you, Nagi-chan, all flustered over a little teasing. You're too easy to tease.

Nagisa tries to hide his embarrassment, but his cheeks betray him, flushing a deep shade of red that only seems to amuse Kyoka even more.

Nagisa: 'defensively' I'm not... I mean, it's just... You're being ridiculous, Kyoka.

Kyoka laughs, looping her arm around Nagisa's neck and leaning in close to whisper in his ear.

Kyoka: 'teasingly' Admit it, Nagi-chan. You secretly love it when I tease you like this.

Nagisa's heart skips a beat at the proximity, his cheeks burning even hotter as he struggles to come up with a witty retort.

Nagisa: 'sheepishly' Maybe... a little.

Kyoka's laughter fills the air, a melodic sound that Nagisa can't help but find utterly captivating.

Kyoka: 'teasingly' See, I knew it. You're completely smitten with me.

Nagisa rolls his eyes playfully, but there's a fondness in his gaze as he looks at Kyoka.

Nagisa: 'smiling' Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Kyoka: Well we are married so you must like something about me

Nagisa: Well of course I do anyone who doesn't are idiots, but at the en of the day you're all mine

Kyoka: yeah and you're all mine, No-one else's

Nagisa grins: like I'd want to belong to anyone else but you

Kyoka: good girl executing your situation

Nagisa goes red: do you have to call me that

Kyoka: of course I do, you're my good girl right now

Nagisa sighs: I guess I am

Kyoka: so cute

Kyoka's eyes then turn seductive: let's go

Nagisa is caught off guard as Kyoka picks him up in her arms and runs off

Kyoka: you know like this I notice you're smaller in this form, it's so cute

Nagisa goes even redder; tch

Kyoka: aww don't pout, let's go back to the room

Soon Nagisa is being dumped on the bed but before he can react he's being pinned down

Nagisa blushes: uhh really right now?

Kyoka: yup, Nagi-chan, you are mine which means I'm allowed to do this luckily these walls are soundproof

She leans closer whispering in his ear

Kyoka: you can be as loud as you want

Nagisa goes bright red as Kyoka licks her lips

Kyoka: looking so cute and delectable right now Nagi-Cham this'll be fun

Nagisa after so many times of being in this position just accepts it as Kyoka leans down looking ready to enjoy their intimate moment

And that's a wrap

Loving this story again teeth rottingly sweet

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