The seven days continue

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Nagisa wakes up in the morning and immediately notices he's still a girl and goes red, he thinks about changing but

Kyoka: don't even think about it

Nagisa: Wha..why not

Kyoka grins: You agreed to do whatever I want for seven days, I've decided you are going to stay this way, you are just too cute

Nagisa goes even redder, b,but I'm not a girl

Kyoka chuckles: but you are now, so come on baby let's get ready for the day

Nagjsa finds himself in a light blue dress and his hair as been styled into pigtails again

Kyoka: Adorable now let's go

A little while later they are walking through the streets when Kyoka spots a charming little café and tugs on Nagisa's arm excitedly

Kyoka: Look, Nagi-chan! Let's grab some breakfast there. They have outdoor seating, and we can enjoy the view.

Nagisa: 'sighs' Fine, but can we keep it low-key? I'm still getting used to this... change.

Kyoka: 'smirking' Oh, come on. You look adorable. Besides, nobody here knows us.

They settle at a cozy outdoor table with a perfect view of the ocean. As they wait for their food, Kyoka can't resist teasing Nagisa a bit more.

Kyoka: So, Nagi-chan, how does it feel being the cutest girl around?

Nagisa: 'blushing' You're really enjoying this, aren't you?

Kyoka: 'laughs' Maybe a little. But seriously, you're handling this so well. I'm proud of you.

Nagisa: 'gives a small smile' Thanks. I guess it's not as bad as I thought it'd be.

Their breakfast arrives, and they enjoy the delicious food while chatting about their plans for the rest of the day.

Kyoka: So, what do you want to do next, Nagi-chan? We could go shopping, hit the beach, or maybe even take a boat tour.

Nagisa: 'pretending to think hard' Hmm, tough choice. How about we start with the beach? I kind of want to see how well I can swim with these... new proportions.

Kyoka: 'laughing' Sounds like a plan! And maybe I'll buy you a cute swimsuit on the way there.

Nagisa: 'groaning' You're never going to let me live this down, are you?

Kyoka: 'grinning' Nope! It's way too much fun.

After finishing their breakfast, they head to a nearby shop. Kyoka picks out a stylish swimsuit for Nagisa which just so happens to be a light blue bikini to match his hair she then and drags him into the changing room to try it on.

Kyoka: 'holding up the swimsuit' Here, Nagi-chan. This one will look perfect on you.

Nagisa: 'sighs' Fine, but you better not laugh.

Kyoka: 'holding back a smile' I promise. I'll be serious.

Nagisa changes into the swimsuit and steps out, feeling self-conscious. Kyoka's eyes light up, but she keeps her promise and doesn't laugh.

Kyoka: 'admiring' Wow, you look amazing! I knew this color would suit you.

Nagisa: 'blushing' Thanks, I guess. Let's just get to the beach before I change my mind.

Kyoka walks over and feels Nagisa's figure again

Kyoka: such perfect curves I'm almost jealous

Nagisa goes absolutely red: Let's just go!

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