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The ship lands luckily they managed to land in a secluded area where no-one would see a Ship land

They both practically fell out of the ship

Nagisa only had one arm and Kyoka was still missing an eye

Cecil then teleports in

Cecil: So did you two-What the fuck happened to you two?

Nagisa: That is a very long story and we don't really have the time

Cecil: well shorten it

They both look annoyed

Kyoka: fine we landed on a planet too break but then we got visited by a viltrumite and he attacked us that's how we ended up like this

Nagisa: But the said viltrumite is dead and if you need his blood well there's plenty of it on me

Cecil: Well you two really do look terrible

Kyoka: Tell us something we don't know

Nagisa: Thought the fact we where able to beat one does prove that it's possible but..he was the runt of the litter according to him which a problem

Cecil: Alright problem children you two need healing up

Kyoka: Quit pointing out the obvious and get me some god damn pain killers

Cecil smiles a little: Fine,Fine, we'll get you two back soon, get a new eye sorted out for problem girl and Nagisa hope you can handle a prosthetic arm for a while

The two had already passed out

  Cecil nods: proud of you kids, you came back alive

Then the duo wake up in a hospital bed

Kyoka now has an eyepatch

Cecil; so they've finally risen

Kyoka annoyed: Where you watching us sleep that's creepy dude

Cecil annoyed: Just got here kid so shut it, but I should mention you where both asleep for a month you two where basically in a coma

Nagisa: It's been a month!

Cecil: Yeah basically anyway kid take a look at your arm

Nagisa notices his arm has grown down to the elbow

Kyoka: What's wrong?

Nagisa: I thought my arm would've grown back by now

Kyoka's eye widens a bit: oh yeah what's going on with that?

Nagisa: I guess I must have pushed myself so far again Kaito that it's recovering from it so I'm guessing it's only a matter of time

Cecil. yeah we got too that conclusion as well, so can you both walk

Nagisa: Uhh probably

Kyoka smirking: I can always carry you if you wanted

Nagisa: Not happening

Kyoka pouts playfully: Aww you're now fun, Anwyay Cecil what did you want

Cecil nods: follow me

They get uo and Kyoka grabs Nagisa's remaining hand

Nagisa: Huh what's up?

Echoes of heroes, Invincible x Ocs Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant