What the hell happened

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Nagisa and Kyoka get to the hospital and find Donald

Nagisa: Uh oh

Kyoka: Donald what's going on!

Donald: see for yourself

They find Immortal and

The dead bodies of duplikate

Their eyes go wide and a few tears drop

Nagisa: Wait so Kate is..immortal please tell me this isn't

Immortal looks up and shakes his head

Kyoka covers her mouth

Kyoka: Oh no..oh god she's gone

Immortal nods and goes back to brooding

They are then seen looking in on Rae whose alive but barley

Nagisa: (if we where just there-)

Kyoka: (we could've prevented this-)

They walk over to another window and see the guardians resident asshole still alive but much like Rae it's an absolute miracle that he is

Nagisa smiles a little: (glad you're still kicking Rex)

Kyoka and Nagisa are seen holding each other close as they look at the messed up bodies of their friends and teammates

Mark: Hey you two how would you like to meet someone special

They both nod still not fully processing it

They are seen at marks house

And they see a purple toddler stacking blocks

Debbie: good job Oliver

Mark: Oliver?

Debbie: Mark,,oh and Nagisa and Kyoka too it's been such a long time

Nagisa: hey yeah sorry it's been so long

Kyoka: We'll make the next one sooner promise

Oliver turns around

Oliver: Brah..brah

Oliver walks into marks arms

Oliver: Brah..Brah

Mark picks him up: Heh you named him after grandpa

Debbie: well he needed an actual name besides Nolan's alien baby

Nagisa: uh what?

Kyoka: Yeah alright very confused right now

Mark: Haha Alright I'll explain

A little later

Nagisa: Wait wait..so Omni-man flew off ended up on a planet filled with bug people had a child aka your half brother

Kyoka: then that same planet got attacked by viltrumites and now you've gotta take care of him

Debbie: that sums it up pretty well but I've got used to him

Mark: well he is my brother I gotta do it..plus I like the name Oliver

Nagisa: Yeah me too

Kyoka: uh huh feels good to see new life after well what happened

Mark: yeah that we can all agree on,

Debbie: you're free anytime to come and see him

Nagisa: thanks

Later unfortunately it's funeral time

The weather is very appropriate

Immortal: Kate Cha was a fearless warrior, though her powers come from a family curse she believed they where a gift, to help those around her, that was Kate's real power her unwavering belief that this world is good even when it killed her over and over and over again Kate never stopped believing that and encouraged me to do the same, Kate cha a kindred soul

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