The Vacation begins

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They are still lying in the crater that was made by Nagisa's body

Kyoka gives a chuckle: some vacation this turned out too be

Nagisa: Hey I'll heal in a couple of days and then we can get right back too it, and in exchange for me being an idiot you can tell me do to one thing and I can't say no

Kyoka smiled: deal

Nagisa chucked and leaned into Kyoka's embrace and fell asleep feeling warm and safe

Cecil then teleported in

Cecil: Alright get problem child on a stretcher

A med team arrives and they do just that

Cecil: you two are real magnets for trouble

Kyoka: Hey we didn't do anything that was invincible

Cecil: Yeah but you somehow managed to be in the exact place where this ship landed

Kyoka looks embarrassed: yeah you've got a point there

Cecil sighs

Cecil: what am I gonna do with you two

Kyoka: Tell you what you can do, you can give us an extra week off once Nagisa is healed

Cecil: Yeah no problem kids you've earned that

Kyoka: and you aren't going to bother us the entire time

Cecil: don't even worry about that kids now let's get this one too a hospital he really took a beating

Kyoka: You're right

We skip to Nagisa's hospital bed and he wakes up feeling like crap

Nagisa: Hey

Kyoka: Don't hey me mister, you're still in the doghouse

Nagisa went red and looked away

Kyoka: But I'm glad you're ok

Nagisa: well if it meant protecting my violet goddess then I'd do anything

Kyoka sighed and smiled

Kyoka: You're an idiot but you're my idiot

Nagisa: and I always will be

Kyoka: I think I know what I want that favour too be

Nagisa raised an eyebrow: yeah?

Kyoka: Let's have kids

Nagisa's eyes widened but then it turned into a smile

Nagisa: you can have that one free of charge

Kyoka: Well in that case let's get married while on vacation

Nagisa raised an eyebrow with a light blush

Nagisa: Did you just propose to me?

Kyoka smirks: sure did and you're not allowed to say no

Nagisa chuckles: like I ever would

Kyoka; Then we'll have kids

Nagisa smiles a little: I think we should wait on that for a little while

Kyoka: Huh? Why?

Nagisa: think about it our childhoods where pretty shit weren't they

Kyoka: Yeah,,oh

Nagisa: yeah if we are gonna have kids then I want to raise them in a world where they can be raised with good childhoods with parents who well aren't dead or don't die in front of them

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