Chapter 34

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Just a little warning, there's some sh elements in this chapter. 

Other than the burning, visceral need to get my hands on a mind-altering substance, the morning was disgustingly normal. My temper was short and snappy, but all three of my boyfriends seemed to have collectively agreed to ignore it. It just made me even more mad. 

It was around four in the afternoon at the time. Hitoshi and I were playing a very heated game of go-fish (me being pissed off was the only thing that made it heated) on the floor, and Eijirou was sitting next to me, his chin on my shoulder as he watched the game unfold. Katsuki was up on my bed, his phone in hand. 

"I will murder you and everyone you love," I seethed as Hitoshi got another pair and was left with only one card in his hands. 

He rolled his eyes at me, a proud smile on his lips. "A short list and you're number one, love." 

"All the more reason," I said with my own sarcastic smile. 

Eijirou's head thudded against my own, just enough to be annoying. "None of that self-deprecating shit." 

I pushed him off me with one hand, my teeth gritted as I looked over the rest of my cards. "Don't tell me what to do." 

Katsuki spoke up and stopped our spat, which I thought was incredibly ironic, seeing as he was the one who usually started the fights. "As much fun as it is to watch you two try to get him to play nice, the other idiots want to come over," he drawled lazily, trying to pretend like he wasn't paying close attention to our every interaction. 

"No," I said simply. "Got any queens?" 

"Darlin'," Eijirou sighed tiredly, he tried to put his chin back on my shoulder, but I slipped away from him. 

"I don't even want to see you three, why would I want to see anyone else?" I snapped. My eyes flashed to Hitoshi, a clear message to continue the game or die by my hands. 

"Go fish," he mumbled. 

I threw my cards, officially fed up with the stupid fucking game. 

"God damn it," Hitoshi hissed, a hand over his eye. "You hit me in the fucking eye." 


"They'll be here in fifteen," Katsuki called, still showing no sign of interest. 

My burning glare turned to the blond in a flash. "No, the fuck they won't!" 

Katsuki dragged his eyes from his phone screen dramatically, as if the action was taxing for him. "You try telling Pinkie and her girlfriend that." 

My teeth clenched upon realizing that he had a point. I knew both of those girls and neither would back off. Instead of bitching and moaning about it, I jumped to my feet and stomped to Hitoshi's side of the room, starting to rummage through his stuff. 

"What the hell, Iz?" the insomniac asked, pulling himself to his feet. 

I found his bag, unzipped it, and spilled the contents all over the floor. It was quickly ripped from my hands by an agitated Hitoshi. "Why are you ruining my shit? I didn't even do anything!" 

I didn't answer him, my eyes zeroing in on my prize that had fallen from the bag and lay on the floor. I quickly grabbed the box of cigarettes and went to the window. If they wouldn't let me snort coke, nicotine was the compromise they'd have to deal with. 

"No," Hitoshi said, grabbing the box from my hands before I made it to my destination. 

"Hitoshi Shinsou," I said in a deadly calm voice, completely fed up with his bullshit. "Give them back right now or lose a finger." 

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