Chapter 23

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Take care of him today, please

I wasn't even surprised by the message I received during my first class of the day. Typing out a quick text back to remind her to take care of herself too, I slipped my phone back into my pocket before Hitoshi even noticed it was out. 

The bell rang and dread filled my stomach to the brim. We had different classes second hour and I wasn't sure if Hitoshi would be able to hold himself together without me. The boy refused to let go of me since the previous night. 

"I'll be fine, Iz. Stop freaking out," he said as we walked to our lockers between classes, breaking me from my own thoughts. 

I immediately stopped fidgeting with his fingers, knowing that was what gave my anxiety away. "I'm not freaking out," I lamely defended. 

He forced a long breath from his lungs, looking down at me with not a trace of belief on his face. "I'll see you in fourth hour, okay?" 

"If I don't fall asleep in history first," I joked, trying to ease the tense atmosphere, but it sounded forced even to me. 

Nevertheless, he cracked a smile at my attempt. "Shoot me a text if you need help keeping your eyes open." The offer was just as much for his own benefit as it was for mine, and we both knew it. 

I ended up texting him through the entirety of our second class. It wasn't hard to accomplish, seeing as our teacher Ms. Kayama, never paid much attention to the actual students. Her back was turned most of the lecture and she spent our work time on her own phone. How that woman still had a job eluded me. Third hour was a bit of a challenge, seeing as Mr. Yamada was a little too focused on his students, always forcing us to participate, but I still managed. 

When fourth hour rolled around, my hand was back in Hitoshi's and he smiled softly at the gesture. He wasn't back to his old self quite yet, but he was gradually pulling the pieces together. 

"Oh, Midoriya, Shinsou, just the two I was looking for," Helix said with their usual beaming smile when we entered their class. 

I couldn't help the dread that gripped me at being called out. What were they up to this time? 

"It's a study hall today," they said in reference to their class. "You two can go work out in the hall or something, if you'd like." They rested their chin on their hand, watching for our responses. 

"Why is it a study hall?" I asked, a little confused. We weren't ahead in lessons at all, so why had they randomly decided to give the class a day off? 

Helix flippantly waved a hand at my question. "Shinsou's mom called the school, Nezu called me, I made it a study hall. Any complaints?" 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Hitoshi asked in utter disbelief. If it was over the fact his mom had called the school, or that Helix had flipped their whole class around for him, I wasn't entirely sure. 

"Hm," they hummed, studying Hitoshi closely. "Didn't seem like a complaint, more of a question. Off you go then," they said while shooing us back towards the door. 

Instead of pushing our luck with the bipolar teacher, I just gently pulled Hitoshi away. If he was going to blow up, I'd rather it not be at our English teacher. "C'mon Toshi." 

Once we were out in the hall, the classroom door shut soundly behind us, he pulled me to a stop. "I can't fucking believe she called the school," he whispered, his eyes staring off into the space in front of us. 

"I can," I said softly, keeping a watchful eye on him. I wasn't sure if he'd brush it off or break down in the hallway, either way, I wanted to be there for him. 

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