Chapter 14

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"She's been here for a week and she already wants to go back?" Shinsou sounded as if he was fighting a laugh. 

I was sitting on the side of my bed, my feet dangling below me as I faced him. We'd just gotten back from school when I'd gotten the text from Uraraka. "It's her mom's birthday, she wants to surprise her," I explained, throwing one of my pillows at him in retaliation. I thought Uraraka's plan was sweet, and something that didn't shock me at all. The girl was all about grand gestures. 

"And we have to go why?" he asked, slipping his shirt off over his head. His jeans were then replaced with a pair of basketball shorts I knew he had owned for at least three years. 

I didn't bat an eye at him, used to the behavior by now. Shinsou had suddenly developed the habit of walking around the house shirtless. It irritated me to no end, but there wasn't much I could do about it. It was technically his house too, if he wanted to be a whore in it, more power to him. 

"Because she doesn't want to be there alone, even if it's just a weekend." I couldn't really blame her. From what I had heard from my friends, our hometown had turned hostile after the gym incident. People didn't seem to care that we were manipulated into being accomplices and took their anger out on my friends. 

Shinsou shook his head, lying down on my bed and staring up at the ceiling. "That town's gonna have one collective aneurysm when we all show up again." 

I looked over my shoulder at him, a sinister smile on my lips. "I'm counting on it." 

"You're such an evil, little gremlin," he said with a laugh, nudging my side with his knee. 

I rolled my eyes, leaning back so I was lying beside him. "Don't act like it isn't your favorite thing about me."

"Nah, my favorite thing about you is your drunk giggling." 

"You just like that I'm easier to manipulate," I said, poking his naked side with one finger and causing him to jump. 

He grabbed my hand before I could repeat the action, holding it in place. He lifted his brows once in my direction. "Maybe." 

"You're such a whore," I complained, pulling my hand free from his grip. 

"Only for you, Iz." 

Using all my strength, I managed to push him off my bed. He landed with a hard thump. "Not drunk, no flirting," I scolded, leaning over the side of the mattress to peer down at him. 

He was lying on his back, smiling up at me, looking perfectly content in his new spot. "So I'm allowed to when we're drinking?" 

I groaned and pushed myself further onto the bed. "You're impossible." 

His head appeared at the end of my bed, his elbows resting on the mattress to hold himself up. "You just said we can flirt when you're drunk." 

"That is not at all what I said." I was now sitting against my pillows, my arms crossed over my chest. My legs were straight out in front of me and I contemplated kicking him in the face. 

He pushed himself onto the bed, kneeling around my legs and slowly crawling up to me. His hands were braced on the wall behind me, effectively caging me in. I watched the whole stunt with irritation. The more I reacted to his advances, the more it egged him on. I was determined to remain impassive. 

He smirked down at me as if he'd already won. "You just said we could flirt when we're drinking," he restated. 

I titled my head ever so slightly to the right. "I can break your nose so easily in this position." 

Violet Eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें