Chapter 6

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The first day of school with Shinsou was upon us, and I was a little bit nervous. I hadn't gone to the same school as him since the bomb, so it felt foreign to even think that we were going to the same school. I'd already looked over his schedule and we only had three classes together. Our old school was so small that I spent most of my day with him and our other friends. 

I had talked to my boyfriends the night before and told them I would walk to school with Shinsou that morning, so he could learn the route. From there, he could either learn to play nice and get rides with me, or he could walk on his own. That was up to him. 

The walk was quiet, both of us had our headphones in the entire time. Once the school was in our sights, we stopped our music at almost the same time. It was almost scary how easily we fell into sync with each other. It was crazy, you'd think we'd been best friends for years or something. With our behavior towards each other over the past few months, it was easy to forget that fact. 

As we walked into the building, I completely bypassed the front office. The ladies in there were sweet, but pretty unhelpful unless you were tardy or leaving early. Instead, I headed into the locker hall and found the one Shinsou would be using the rest of the year. 

"Ta-da," I said in a deadpan voice, waving a hand in front of his locker. 

He didn't bother putting in the code, just lifted the handle and it swung open. "Don't keep drugs in my locker, noted. Where's yours?" 

I nodded my head a few feet down the hall. "Mine's right there, Ash is one over from mine and everyone else is pretty scattered." 

Shinsou nodded, tossing his locker door shut and leaning one shoulder against it. "Easiest way out of here?" 

I rolled my eyes because of course skipping is what he was already concerned about. The first bell hadn't even rung yet. "Literally any side door. It's a big campus, there isn't enough staff to be patrolling the halls." 

He glanced around, obviously spotting one of the side doors just behind him. 

I smacked his chest, forcing him to turn his attention back to me. I was scowling up at him, which I knew wasn't too intimidating, but I had to try. "If I have to get my shit together and graduate on time, so do you." 

He rolled his violet eye at me, a smug smile on his lips. "Graduating doesn't require being here every day." 

"I'll tell your mom." 

"I'll tell yours about the sleepovers." 

"I'll tell yours about the pot." 

"That would be mutually assured destruction," he pointed out, leaning his head back against the cool metal. 

"Fine, I'll tell her about where you really were on that spa trip last semester." 

"Well, hello you two little rays of sunshine," Ashido greeted as she walked up to us, one hand on her hip. "It's only eight A.M., why does Mido look ready to strangle you?" She turned her pointed stare to Shinsou. 

"He won't let me skip." 

Now it was my turn to deal with her stare. "You, of all people?" 

I waved her off, a frown (and totally not a pout) on my lips at being called out. "I had a totally reasonable explanation for skipping." 

Ashido rolled her eyes, her arms now crossed over her chest. "Your explanation was that you were in love and running." 

"Still better than just running." 

"What about your boyfriends? They're the poster boys for skipping school," she stated in a matter-of-fact tone. 

"They haven't skipped in weeks, that doesn't count." 

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