Chapter 27

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To those of you fellow daddy issue owners, good luck soldiers o7

The plan had been to stay the night in Eijirou's bed, but Hitoshi got an extremely upset text message from his mother, demanding that we both returned home. I found it heartwarming that he was willing to risk his mother's wrath and stay, but thought it would be pointless in the end. It was getting late and Himari was not a woman you messed with on a whim. I would never be going home if I disobeyed her then. 

When we crawled through our own window, she was already in our room waiting for us. Her purple hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail, the bags under her eyes almost matching her son's. Her arms were crossed over her chest as one of her feet tapped against the floor. 

"Mind explaining why you two have been hiding all evening?" she asked us, not allowing us a second to recuperate after our journey. She seemed completely unfazed to find us window hopping. 

"Iz's dad showed up at school," Hitoshi said, brushing himself off before helping me to my feet. I shot him a thankful look that he returned with one of his subtle smiles. 

"I'm aware," Himari seethed, her teeth clenched as she glared at both of us. "He's currently in the kitchen, refusing to leave until you have a family discussion." She used air quotes, knowing it was utter bullshit. So, maybe she wasn't mad at us after all. "That doesn't mean you hide from your mother, Hitoshi Shinsou." 

I take it back, she was still very, very pissed at us. 

Hitoshi audibly gulped beside me, smart enough to have a healthy dose of fear. Himari was one of the chillest parents I had ever met (besides Ash's, but I hadn't technically met them yet), but when you pushed too far, she was a force of nature. Her punishments were creative, to say the least. 

She caught us trying to sneak back in one night, years ago, and locked every window and door. Hitoshi tried to use his key, but she stood there and kept flipping the lock back in place until we gave up. We slept on the back porch that night. 

"He's here?" I squeaked, fear slipping into my voice before I could stop it. 

She kept up her bad cop routine for a few moments more, but then she sighed and the tension in her shoulders dropped away. "Yes. Your mom wants you to head down there, but I won't force you to. It's up to you, Izuku." 

"Like hell he is," Hitoshi snarled, his grip on my hand tightening a fraction. 

"Do not swear at me, young man," Himari snapped, her anger coming back full force as she scolded her son. He had enough functional brain cells to stay quiet after that, but his scowl went nowhere. 

"I know why you don't want to speak with him," she continued, this time in a much more soothing voice as her tired eyes drifted back to me. "But... he really does seem like he's trying this time. The choice is still yours." 

What was I supposed to say to that? Yeah, he seemed genuine three years ago too, look how that turned out.  There was absolutely no more faith to spare in my father. He'd already had his second chance and I was done. There was nothing he could say or do that would ever erase what he'd done. Not in my eyes at least. 

But... I couldn't just leave my mom to deal with him. If he was in our house, it meant she was at least trying to believe in him again. I wouldn't sit back while he manipulated her into letting him stay, not this time. 


There was a tug on my hand. "Iz, you don't-" 

"It'll be fine, Toshi," I said, in what I hoped was a reassuring tone. "If he wants to talk, then we can talk. It doesn't mean I'm forgiving him or welcoming him back into my life." I didn't look back at him, worried I'd lose all my resolve. The shit my dad had said to me as a kid... it really fucked with me. I wasn't sure how long I'd last in a room with him again. 

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