Chapter 15

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Juice WRLD is the mood rn, don't ask questions. 

Also, honorable mention to my fic writing addition. It's currently outweighing my weed addiction somehow. I've been trying to cut back for literal months with zero progress but I can't write as well when I'm stoned so I've barely smoked this week. Everyone be proud plz, I need the validation. 

Crawling through windows was the last thing I wanted to do, which is how I found myself slamming my front door behind me. My tears were flowing freely down my cheeks, dripping from my chin as I frantically tried to wipe them away. 

"Izuku?" my mother called from the kitchen. I ignored her worried tone, bolting up the stairs two at a time. 

I burst into my bedroom, completely ignoring Shinsou as I slammed the door behind me. My face hit my pillows as sobs raked through me. I think I might have screamed, but everything was a little fuzzy. 

"Iz? What the fuck happened?" Shinsou asked, his voice cutting through the static in my head. 

"Shut the window," I said through gasping breaths, my voice muffled by the pillow I refused to let go of. 


"Shut the goddamn window!" I screamed, lifting my head towards him as I did. The thought that the two boys across from us could hear me falling apart... the feeling was visceral

He didn't need to be told again, and I sobbed harder after hearing the lock click into place. It was over and they were done. That was it. Just like that. 

"Iz," I felt the bed dip as Shinsou slowly approached me. "What happened?" 

I couldn't speak, no words would form on my tongue. The only thing I could focus on was the knife in my chest and the churn of my stomach. I thought I was dying. 

We stayed like that for a long time. 

My pillow was drenched from my tears by the time they ran out, my soft hiccups the only sound in the room. I turned, hugging my knees to my chest as I stared blankly in front of me. The sky had gone dark, casting shadows across the space. 

"We broke up," I croaked into the silence. It cracked and I had to take a long, hard breath to stop the sob in my throat. 

It took Shinsou a moment to speak. "I'm sorry." 

"No, you're not." 

He had hated Eijirou and Katsuki and had made that clear on multiple occasions. In my mind, he had to be jumping for joy after hearing the news. 

"I really am, Iz," he said in a soft, gentle tone that didn't make me feel better. It made me feel like a wounded animal he was taking pity on. 

"Doesn't matter anymore," I breathed, another shaking inhale followed. Everything hurt. "I knew I shouldn't have stuck around. This is my own damn fault." 

He heaved a heavy sigh, one of his hands landing on my leg. "C'mon Iz, you don't cry over boys." 

I lifted my sleeve-covered fist, frantically scrubbing my face in hopes of clearing all evidence of my tears. Shinsou was right, I didn't cry over boys. I never had. 

Another deep breath. 

"I wanna get drunk," I said suddenly, spooking the other boy. "I wanna skip school the rest of the week and disappear back home. I hate it here." 

As if a switch flipped, the whole city felt like a bad dream. There was nothing good left in that place and I despised every aspect of it. I wanted to be home, the only place I had ever felt comfortable before meeting Eijirou and Katsuki. I wanted to be with my friends and forget any of the past year had happened. 

Shinsou chuckled at my request, squeezing my leg where his hand rested. "Then that's what we'll do." 


True to his word, Shinsou got me drunk that night. Really drunk. I honestly didn't remember much. I knew we went to the club, where Dabi didn't bat an eye and just kept the shots coming. I think we took an Uber back home. 

What I did remember from that night, was the disappointed look on my mother's face when we came stumbling into the house at three in the morning. 

I didn't go to school the next day, or the next, or any other day that week. When Friday rolled around, it was time to head back to our hometown. I knew my mom didn't want to let me go, especially after my bender, but she couldn't stop me. I'd be eighteen soon and she knew she'd lose me forever if she resorted to dictatorship again. 

The cross-country road trip was relatively uneventful. Uraraka and I slept for most of it, annoying the shit out of Shinsou and Todoroki every time we were awake. It was just too easy to piss them off when they were stuck in a car for hours on end. 

"We're never doing this again," Shinsou grumbled as Todoroki took the exit that would lead us straight to Uraraka's house. 

I grabbed the back of his seat, peeking my head forward so I could smile widely at him. "You don't mean that." 

"Yes, the fuck I do." 

"You're being a big baby," Uraraka chided from beside me, now leaning on my back to get a better view out of the windshield. "Todo, tell him he's being a baby!" 

I watched with amusement as the half and half teen's grip on the wheel tightened. "I happen to agree with him." 

"Shut up, you both love us," I said in a matter-of-fact tone. 

Shinsou leaned his elbow against the door, propping his chin in his hand. "That's up for debate right now." 

"Come on, Toshi," I teased, wiggling my brows in his direction. "You don't mean that." 

Violet eyes met mine for only a second, then he huffed and directed his attention out the window. 

"Whipped," Uraraka said in between the fakest coughs I had ever heard. 

"Shoulda put you on a plane by yourself," Shinsou muttered, glaring daggers at the girl above me. 

She hummed, letting her chin rest against the top of my head and forcing me to fully support all of her weight. "You could never live with yourself if you did." 

"I'd find the will to go on, don't worry." 

"So grumpy today," she grumbled. 

"Ura," I said, my voice straining from the effort of holding us both up. "You're gonna kill me." 

She hopped off my back, sitting in her seat properly once again. "You should start working out with Shin, you got weak, little noodle arms." 

I gaped at her as giggles rang through the car. "Die? Maybe?" I said back. 

"Pass." She waved one hand at me, effectively brushing my comment off. 

"We're here, get out, please," Todoroki instructed as the car came to a sudden halt, almost throwing me into the back of Shinsou's seat. 

Uraraka let out a squeal so high-pitched it made me wince and then flew from the back seat and towards her childhood home. I watched her run to the front door, not bothering to knock and barging right in. 

"Ready?" Shinsou asked, twisting in his seat to face me. 

I rolled my shoulders back, feeling at home for the first time in too long. My favorite, mischievous smile slipped on my face as easy as breathing. "Always." 

Short little segue chapter into the next big plot point :)

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