Chapter 8

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When I woke up the next morning, Shinsou was already awake and sitting up, his phone in hand. I didn't bother greeting him or even speaking. 

It had taken me a stupidly long time to fall asleep the previous night, so I was still exhausted. Probably not the best state to be in for the talk I was going to have, but it was what Ei and Kats were getting. 

I pulled myself out of bed, my whole body screaming in protest. The fall last night had hurt more than I had thought. I pulled one of my sleeves up, my elbow scraped up and raw. 

"Sorry... about that," Shinsou said in a soft murmur, breaking the silence of the room. 

I didn't look at him while I responded, "This isn't what I want an apology for." 

"Iz," he spoke, but I was already over the conversation. 

"Shinsou, whatever you're going to say, I really don't care. I have to go try and save my relationship, again, because of you, again." I was already up and walking to the window. I didn't know if the boys were up, and I didn't particularly care. I just wanted to be out of my own room. 

"So you're back to ignoring me?" He asked with a scoff. 

I whirled around, all of my anger from last night coming back in full force because of course I was getting blamed for this. "Until you can learn to keep it in your fucking pants? Yes, I will go back to ignoring you. I have to prioritize my fucking relationship now, something I wasn't able to for months, because I was prioritizing people's lives." 

My anger only seemed to fuel his. Great, we were back to yelling matches. "And who's the reason you don't have to worry about people dying anymore?" 

If looks could kill, I think we both would have been dead at that moment. "You're right," I forced out in the most even and calm tone I could manage. "I should have just gone with Shigaraki and never brought you into it, I get to live with that regret for the rest of my life." 

That cracked him, I saw the exact second he realized he'd gone too far and his face fell, all his anger depleting. "Iz, that's not-" 

"Save it," I said with a tired sigh. "I gotta go." 


When I made it to Katsuki's room, I saw that the blond was asleep but Eijirou was already awake. He was sitting at Katsuki's desk, a notebook in front of him and a pencil in hand. 

"Hi," I mumbled, feeling more out of place in the bedroom than ever. 

"Hey, darlin'," he said back, a soft smile on his face. 

For better or for worse, I was my mother's son. My eyes filled with tears as I sped walked to him, throwing myself in his arms. "I'm so sorry I lied," I cried into his shoulder, his arms already wrapped tightly around me, supporting most of my weight as I collapsed into him. "I'm just so tired of fighting." 

"I know, baby," he said in a soothing voice, one hand gently combing through my curls. "We won't fight about it anymore, but we still have to talk about it. Can we compromise with that?" 

I nodded quickly, holding onto him even tighter. "I'll never lie or hide anything ever again, it's fucking awful." 

"Awe, look at that," Katsuki's gravel-filled morning voice spoke, startling me slightly as I turned so I could see him. "Ei finally learned how to clean up his own messes." He wore a teasing smile, clearly feeling very lighthearted about the entire fight. 

"You kicked me out," I said with a frown, hugging Eijirou tighter. 

His smile dropped and was replaced with a deadpan expression. "You were five seconds away from swinging, I kicked you out for your own good." 

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