Chapter 2

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Katsuki and Eijirou were in my room almost as soon as I texted them. In their defense, it was a cryptic as fuck message about needing to tell them something. I would have been just as fast if I was in their shoes. 

"What the fuck happened?" Katsuki asked, his arms crossed over his chest as he stood near the window. 

Eijirou ducked through at the same second, pushing the blond out of his way. "What Kats meant to ask, is what did you need to tell us?" he clarified, standing to his full height. 

I looked between the two of them and then pointed to my bed. "You guys should sit down," I instructed. They eyed me skeptically, but Eijirou was able to pull Katsuki over to take a seat. Then both pairs of red eyes were locked onto me expectantly. 

I fiddled with my fingers, glancing at Eijirou with caution. There was plenty of reason to believe he'd be the one to really freak out at my news. "Before I tell you," I glanced at my bedroom door, "I want you both to remember that my mom is home and not aware that we sneak through our windows to see each other, so you can't scream or anything." 

"Iz?" Eijirou's voice was a warning, he was already concerned about where I was going with this. 

"You're starting to freak us out, nerd." Katsuki, on the other hand, was trying his hardest to seem unbothered, but I had been around him enough to know that he was just as anxious about my news. 

"Kacchan, my love," I said gently. "Would you mind just... holding onto Ei for a second? Just as a precaution." 

The blond did so without hesitation, a firm grip on Eijirou's wrist. The redhead looked down at his hand and then at me, a quiet chuckle escaping his lips. "Iz, I really don't think this is necessary-" 

"Shinsou's mom is losing their house, and my mom told her they can move in with us," I rushed out all in one breath. I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself for yelling, but when none came I peeked my eyes open. 

I could see that Katsuki's grip had tightened, the rest of him frozen in shock as he watched me. Eijirou seemed just as stunned but hadn't blown up yet. 

"What?" the single word left the redhead's lips in a daze, reflecting my earlier reaction to the same news. 

I released a groan, my shoulders dropping their tension. "I have no fucking clue how it happened. I mean, I knew that Himari was friends with my mom, but I never thought she'd offer anything even close to this. We weren't even allowed to sleep over at each other's houses last year, now she's totally okay with us sharing a room? I wanna know when she got a lobotomy because clearly, something fucked her up in the head." The words were out of my mouth before I could think them through. I hadn't wanted to gently reveal the fact we would be roommates, not throw it out into the open in the middle of my lamenting. 

The room when so silent that you could hear a pin drop. None of us moved or breathed for a solid minute. 

"Fucking. What?" Katsuki dropped his hand from the redhead's arm as he stood to his feet. Fuck, I really thought he'd be the one to stay calm for this, I griped to myself. It was a stupid thought, that either of them would remain calm with the information provided for them. "You're gonna share a fucking room with that bastard?" 

"Just until we graduate!" I added quickly, waving my hands in front of myself. "Trust me, I'm not happy about it either." 

"Then don't do it!" Katsuki raged. There was no way my mom couldn't hear him shouting, but I was hoping beyond hope that she left us alone anyway. 

"They don't have a house!" I snapped back, throwing my hands up. "Do you want me to just leave them on the streets?" 

My justification just seemed to piss him off even more. "Let it be someone else's fucking problem, you don't have to fix everything." 

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