Chapter 22

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As the week progressed, I watched as Hitoshi became more and more distant. He wasn't talking much, and if he did it was to snap about something or another. At first, I thought it was something I had done, but then I arrived home from school on Thursday and saw Himari and my mom in the kitchen, the purple-haired woman crying softly. 

That's when it clicked. Friday was the anniversary of his father's death. 

Fuck, I had totally spaced it. I was the worst person on the planet. 

Hitoshi had gone straight up to our room, so I left the two women alone and headed after him. I knew he wouldn't want to talk about it or talk at all, but he wouldn't want to be alone either. All I needed to do was be there for him, it was all he ever asked of me around this time. 

The rest of my evening was spent in peaceful silence. I worked on my essay, while Hitoshi was across the room flipping through his chemistry textbook. I doubted he'd get anything substantial done, but at least he was trying to keep his mind busy. 

Eijirou had texted me at some point, asking to hang out. I felt a little bad turning him down, but I knew Hitoshi needed me more. Not wanting to blow him off, I told him the truth. Eijirou was the sweetest person alive, immediately texting back that he and Katsuki completely understood and to let him know if he could help. I smiled softly at the message. 

Hitoshi didn't smoke that night, so neither did I. His dad had been a cop, always warning him against illegal drug use, drinking, and any sort of law-breaking. He never smoked this close to the anniversary. 

Which meant neither of us were going to be getting any sleep. 

It was nearly one in the morning when he finally spoke. "Get some sleep, Iz." 

I was caught off guard by the sudden noise in the previously silent room. My head snapped up from the paper I had been working on, fixing him with a confused look. "Huh?" 

"Go to bed," he said again, not lifting his gaze from the textbook laid out on his bed. 

"I'm not tired," I stated simply, going back to my English assignment. The good part of pulling that all-nighter, I had almost completely finished my essay. 

"You don't have to stay up with me," he said, trying to sound calm about it, but there was a strain in his voice. 

"I'm just working on my essay." I shrugged, letting the tip of my pen tap against my lip as I rewrote a sentence. 

The sound of his textbook finally closing drew my eyes away from my homework. I watched as he let it drop to the ground, turning to make eye contact with me. "Well?" he asked expectantly. 

I rolled my eyes as I set my pen down, pushing myself off my bed and making my way to his. "I really was working on my essay, you know," I grumbled, falling into his awaiting arms. 

He moved us to lean back on his pillows, holding me close to his chest. "Sure." One of his hands lifted to run through my curls, nearly enough to lull me to sleep. Nearly. 

"Mhm," I hummed, allowing myself to melt against him. "I'm almost done with it." 

We fell into another bout of silence, just enjoying the closeness of each other. My eyes started to drift shut after a while, his steady heartbeat sounding in my ear. I wasn't sure if I had ever felt more relaxed in my life. 

"We can't even visit this year," Hitoshi whispered and suddenly I wasn't tired anymore. I knew exactly what he meant. Every year, he and his mom would visit his dad's grave. I couldn't be sure, but I think it was the only day he let himself go. 

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