Chapter 10

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"Do they seriously expect us to sit in here and talk it out?" Shinsou asked after a full minute of silence. 

"Yes," I said, mildly annoyed. 

He sighed, turning in his desk to face me more easily. "Can we just agree to get along for the sake of this class?" 

"Can you control yourself?" I asked back rudely, my arms crossed as I stared him down. 

He rolled his eyes at the question. "I won't do anything until you ask." 

"I won't." 


"You're pretty fucking bold to say that shit right in front of us," Katsuki snipped through clenched teeth. He was gripping the side of his desk a little too tightly, his knuckles turning a stark white from the force. 

(Heat of the moment just came on and now I want to rewatch supernatural again)

Shinsou leveled him with his impassive gaze. "You don't think he can be in love with multiple people at the same time?" 

"Just not you," Eijirou said with a sarcastic smile. 

"Ladies, please," I cut in, ready to leave detention ten minutes in. "We just agreed to get over it, so let's start." 

Everyone went quiet, apparently falling back on the golden rule: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. 

"Tense silence isn't going to cut it for Helix, we actually have to prove we got over the problem," I explained with a tired sigh. They had definitely been moved down on my list of favorite teachers. 

"How do you suppose we do that?" Shinsou asked, his voice conveying the boredom he felt. 

"I don't know, maybe try talking like normal people?" I snapped but took a deep breath immediately. Getting mad again would only hinder our progress. 

Shinsou leaned his elbow against his desk, letting his knuckles rest against his temple to prop his head up. "This feels like a fucking AA meeting." 

"You would know," I grumbled. 

"Oh, fuck off," he said with an eye roll. "We went to that shit together." 

"You two went to an AA meeting?" Eijirou asked with raised brows, his eyes flicking between us. 

"My mom caught us drunk in the garage one time, she and Inko forced us to go," Shinsou explained with a shrug. "I think they were going for a 'scared straight' effect, but they just succeeded in boring us to death." 

I met Katsuki's questioning look. "You try sitting there for two hours while a bunch of middle-aged people talk about how drinking ruined their lives. You'd be bored too," I defended. 

"We got stone for the first time later that night," Shinsou said with a snort, proving how much the meeting hadn't affected us. 

I couldn't help my own laugh at the comment. "Well, they said no drinking." 

"You're both idiots," Katsuki said with an eye roll. 

"Hey man," Shinsou said, putting one hand out in front of him. "At least we have the best stories to tell at parties." 

I nodded in agreement. "Like the time we were accomplices to a school bombing." 

"Who else can say that?" Shinsou asked, a teasing nature back in his tone. 

"No one I know," I said with a shrug, a faint smile on my lips. 

"Not sure if that's something to brag about," Ei chuckled, at least trying to ease some of the tension that had built up. I beamed at him, proud of the effort he was making. 

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