Chapter 29

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By the time I got back over to Izuku and I's place, our moms were both up. I could hear them chatting in the kitchen, a distinct male voice joining their conversation. I'm gonna kill him this time, I thought bitterly while heading downstairs. 

Before Hisashi could even register that I was in the room, I was on him. With a firm hold on the front of his shirt, I ripped him off the stool he was sitting on, slamming his back into a wall. "What the fuck did you say to him?"   

There was no point beating around the bush. I knew exactly why Izuku had taken off and so did he. This time, I was going to do so much worse than just split his lip. He was dead

"Hitoshi!" Inko exclaimed in indignation, which was rich coming from her. She was the one that let him in last night. 

"Get off of him," my mother instructed, rounding the counter and trying to put a hand on my shoulder. 

I quickly shook her off, not in the mood for either of their moral high road bullshit. Hisashi said something that broke Izuku and I was willing to beat it out of him. It wouldn't be a fraction of what he deserved for every awful thing that had ever left his mouth. 

"I suggest you take your hands off of me," Hisashi said, his voice wavering slightly. He was trying to pretend like he wasn't scared of me, but we both knew he was shitting bricks. 

I slammed him back into the wall again, just for good measure, and couldn't help the feeling of satisfaction at the pained grunt that was ripped from him. "Izuku's gone. He's not with any of our friends and he won't answer our calls or texts. What the fuck did you say to him?" I asked again, so angry I was shaking from the effort of not breaking his jaw. He'd need it to answer my question. I'd break it after. 

"Hitoshi Shinsou," my mother spoke again, her voice sharp and stern. Normally, it'd freak me out so bad I'd listen, but today I couldn't care less. "Put him down or-" 

"You saw him last night, Mom," I snapped, annoyed that the two women in the room could be so nonchalant about the fact Izuku was missing. Had they both conveniently forgotten all of last year? All the other times he'd disappeared, just to show up again in a few days half dead? Did they want to repeat history? 

I wasn't willing to risk it. Pulling him out of whatever hole he'd dug himself into was going to be hell, for all of us. I wasn't stupid, I knew Izuku. I knew that the second he got his hands on any mind-altering substance he'd drink, snort, smoke, do whatever the fuck it took to not feel like himself anymore. It took months to get him back after his last bender, right after Shigaraki's trial. He'd gone off the rails then and it had taken a full summer to pull him back together. 

"I did," my mother said, breaking me from my looping thoughts. "But that doesn't mean you have to throw Hisashi into a wall." 

I gritted my teeth, sucking in a sharp breath. She's right, I didn't need to throw him into a wall. "Fine." My voice was tight as I released the front of his shirt and took a step back. 

Hisashi took a deep breath, smoothing down the front of his shirt. "Well, if that's-" 

He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence, cut off by my fist flying right into his face. I couldn't break his jaw, but his nose was fair game. 

"Fuck!" he screamed, his hands quickly moving to cradle his broken nose. 

"Hitoshi! What the hell are you doing?" Inko cried, pushing me away and trying to console her piece of shit husband. Were they even still married at that point? I wasn't sure I cared. 

I felt a hand grab my wrist, pulling me further back. Looking over my shoulder, I was greeted with the pleased smile of my mother. "That's my boy. Did you hurt your hand at all?" she asked, bringing my knuckles up to her face to examine. 

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