Chapter 24

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I let out a yawn, still pressed against Hitoshi's side, but now we were in Eijirou's room. It had started to get cold in the garage after the sun went down, so we had all migrated to the redhead's bedroom. 

"Sleep, we need sleep," Hitoshi spoke up, yawning as soon as he finished his statement. 

"I don't want to leave though," I whined, burying my head into his shoulder. I could hear Eijirou laughing at my antics from a few feet in front of me, but I didn't have the energy to quip back at him. 

"Just fucking sleep here, when have we ever had a problem with that?" Katsuki said, his voice quieter than it had been a few moments ago. He was such a softy.

"But then Toshi has to stay." I wasn't planning on letting go of the other insomniac any time soon. We were a package deal at the moment. 

"Darlin', we let you two make out on our couch. Do you really think we still care if he sleeps here?" Eijirou's tone was light and teasing, easing all of my tension in an instant. I was still waiting for the other shoe to drop over this arrangement, for one of them to suddenly not be okay with it anymore. 

"Awe," Hitoshi cooed, tired sarcasm rearing its head. "Don't I just feel like part of the family." 

"Mm, package deal," I mumbled weakly, probably not making much sense to anyone else. I wasn't even sure if I was making sense to myself, too sleep-deprived to think. 

I felt Hitoshi place a gentle kiss on the top of my head, pulling me tighter against him. "Get some sleep, Iz." 

I hummed, finally letting consciousness slip from my grasp. 


When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I noticed was how uncomfortably warm I was. It was like someone had a heated, weighted blanket over me that was turned up on the highest setting. 

As I blinked the sleep from my eyes, I realized that it wasn't a blanket at all, just the limbs of all three of my boyfriends. Hitoshi had passed out against the wall, then me, then Ei and Kats on the other side. How we had managed to fit four people across Eijirou's queen-sized bed eluded me. 

"I'm dying," I whined in a whisper, trying to remove the arms around me. I wasn't kidding when I said it was hot, and not in the fun way. It was starting to overstimulate me and I cried when I got overstimulated. I didn't think any of the boys wanted to wake up to me sobbing. 

"Shut up," Hitoshi slurred, trying to wrap his arm around me again. 

"No," I said a little too loudly, making his violet eyes blink open at me. "'M too hot, get off, get off!" 

Hitoshi's arm was retracted almost instantly, just as Eijirou and Katsuki started to grumble and shift. Great, I had managed to wake all of them up. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I said quickly, still trying to fight their arms off of me. I felt terrible for waking them up, but if they didn't get the fuck off of me I was going to have a meltdown. 

"Iz? What the fuck is wrong?" Eijirou asked quickly, not fully coherent yet. 

Hitoshi managed to get the redhead's arm off of me and as soon as I was free, I was scrambling for the end of the bed. I needed to get out of the blankets and cocoon of heat that had become of it. 

"He's too hot, he just needs a sec," Hitoshi helpfully supplied, right as I fell off the bed and landed with a hard thud. 

I didn't move, just let myself lay on Eijirou's cool floor and stared at the ceiling. A deep breath filled my lungs, trying to steady my rapidly beating heart. Overstimulation was a bitch that usually caused a panic attack. Thankfully, I had gotten away from the problem quickly enough to calm down. 

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