Chapter 30

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-Trigger warning for mildly graphic talk of being covered in bugs-

"Toga found something!" Uraraka's yell woke up anyone who happened to still be asleep. 

I had claimed the lone armchair in the corner of the living room and had managed to get, roughly, an hour of sleep. I had been awake for the past hour and a half, but so had Bakugou. He had actually threatened to beat the shit out of me if I went back out on my own. I was exhausted and didn't feel like blocking his hits, so I had begrudgingly complied. 

"What'd she find?" I asked, already pushing myself from my spot and heading over to the couch she was sitting up on, Ashido's arm still wrapped around her waist. 

"Actually, Dabi found something," she amended, rereading the text. "Apparently, one of his friends, some guy named Jin, was at a party and thinks he saw Izuku." 

"Fucking perfect," I grumbled, snatching the phone from her hand and reading the text myself. There wasn't a point, seeing as she had basically read it out word-for-word, but an hour of sleep wasn't enough for my logical thinking to kick back in. 

"At least we have somewhere to start," Kirishima pointed out, reading the text over my shoulder. 

I didn't bothering handing the phone back before requesting the location of the party. Toga knew our group well enough to not care that I was the one texting. I wouldn't be surprised if she knew it was me without anyone saying it. 

"Give it back," Uraraka said with a frown, slipping the device from my hands easily. "Fucking thief." 

"Food in the kitchen," Bakugou announced, entering the room with two plates of eggs and bacon in his hands. I wasn't even surprised when one was handed to Kirishima and the other to me. From the calculating look in Uraraka's eyes, I knew she wanted to comment on it but mercifully stayed quiet. 

Kaminari and Sero were up and heading toward the smell of breakfast without being told twice, Todoroki appearing to be content on the other couch. Ashido placed a kiss on Uraraka's temple before leaving to get them both food. 

Once the herd had thinned, my brunette friend spoke again. "I hate being the one to ask," she said in a quiet voice, not meeting any of our eyes. "But... do any of you have access to Narcan?" 

"He's not gonna fucking overdose," I hissed defensively. I didn't want to think about that possibility. Mainly because no, we didn't have Narcan, and I wasn't sure it would matter if we did. What are the odds we got there in time to use it? 

"Uh," Sero's hesitant voice made us all look over to the entrance of the living room. "I have some in my bag, actually." 

"Why the fuck do you carry Narcan?" Bakugou asked in a tired voice. Kirishima handed him a piece of bacon, finally realizing that the blond had no intention of making himself a plate of food. 

"You guys aren't the only people I hang out with, you know," Sero said with a huff, balancing two plates in his hands as he moved to sit next to Todoroki. My two-tone friend happily accepted the food offered to him. 

"That doesn't make us feel any better," Kirishima mumbled, taking a seat on the floor in front of the prepared stoner's couch. 

Bakugou followed suit, allowing the redhead to keep handing him bits of his breakfast. I fell back into the chair I had slept on, letting out a sigh as Ashido and Kaminari rejoined us in the living room, the pink girl handing a plate to Uraraka who smiled her thanks. 

"Okay, let's go over some ground rules," I said, breaking the peace of their breakfast. My plate had been cast aside on the end table next to me, barely touched. "When we find him, you can't get angry," a pointed look in Bakugou and Kirishima's direction, "Or cry," that was directed at Uraraka. "He's more than likely not going to be sober and us freaking out will make him bolt again. We're calm and supportive the whole time, got it?" My tired eyes scanned the room, waiting for all of them to nod in agreement. 

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