21. feelings

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"So...Mrs Mitchell, you've entered the third trimester of your pregnancy. Are you worried about anything?" Nurse Robbins asked Beca, smiling sweetly. Beca nodded slowly, looking up at me as if to say, 'errr...maybe?'.

I laughed softly and linked my fingers with Beca's. "Yeah, she's a bit worried that they might come early because we haven't got the nursery finished yet, but otherwise Beca has no concerns," Beca looked up at me and raised her eyebrows. "As far as I know, obviously there could be some worries." I added.

Beca looked back at Nurse Robbins and opened her mouth to speak, before closing it again.

"Go on, Bec."

"Erm..my moods are like, really irregular. It's like, one minute I'm happy and I'm really optimistic, and then I'll be a bit depressed, then I'll be really irritable. And it's not fair on me or Chlo."

Nurse Robbins nodded and wrote down everything Beca had said. "Okay. That's pretty normal, every expectant mother has mood swings due to hormones. The best thing to do is just go with it, or try to do things that make you feel a bit better. Is there anything else?"

"Not really. I'm just excited to meet the twins, but hopefully on time and not too early." Beca smiled. I rolled my eyes and grinned.

"It's perfectly normal for twins to be early, Mrs Mitchell. It's actually more common for them to be off schedule rather than on time." She assured us. "See Bec? I was right."

"I know, it's just a bit scary knowing that they might be premature. There's loads of problems that could occur-"

"Beca, sweetheart, whatever happens we'll just have to roll with it. Look at the silver lining! If they're early, we just get to meet them sooner. And if they're late or on time, then we just wait a bit longer. So it's not all that bad."

Nurse Robbins laughed and nodded. "Your wife is right, Mrs Mitchell. And there probably won't be any complications with the delivery, or the time after that. I'm sure you'll have two healthy babies."

"And if we don't?"

"God, Beca, you're being so negative. Come on, I think we should probably get going, you're just tired. You haven't been sleeping properly."

"And it's no wonder I don't get any sleep when all night those two start kicking my stomach violently. It's worse than when your dad punched me. Thank god I wasn't pregnant when he did, otherwise I'd have lost another baby."

"Let's go, Beca. Before you start getting really upset."

"I'm fine."

Nurse Robbins frowned. "You haven't been sleeping?"

Beca shook her head. "No, not really. They're really active at night, which is awful because I go to bed late anyways, but I'm not getting to sleep until about five in the morning, then I'm up again at eight. I've never been a morning person, but having less than four hours sleep is driving me up the wall."

"Right..I can prescribe you some sleeping tablets. Would you be okay with promethazine?"

My eyes widened at the mention of promethazine. Beca noticed my reaction and shook her head. "I'm sorry, Nurse. I can't have that."

"Are you allergic?"

"No, my..Chloe hasn't had many good experiences with it. I don't want to upset her."

Nurse Robbins looked at me, then back at Beca. "Mrs Mitchell. The benefits of taking it are great, so I'm afraid you'll have to put that aside."

Beca looked furious. "I'm really sorry, but a few sleepless nights won't kill me. Taking the same medication that almost ended my wife's life, however, might actually kill her. So, are we putting my wife at risk or are we just gonna let my sleep schedule sort itself out?"


"Erm..have you thought of any names yet, Bec?" I asked as she opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of orange juice. She shrugged and opened the carton. "Uh..no, I've not really given it any thought."

I rolled my eyes and sat on the counter. She poured herself a drink before putting the orange juice back in the fridge and shutting it. "Well, we need to name them. They can't be nameless."

Beca shot me a stern glance before taking a sip from her drink. "I know that, darling. I've just not really been focused on that."

"Why?" I asked, frowning. She shrugged again and sat on the stool behind the counter, facing me. I span around to look at her, crossing my legs so they didn't dangle over the edge. "I've had other things to worry about."

I laughed softly, making Beca pout. "What's more important than the names of our kids?"

"Do I even have to answer that?" She muttered. I shook my head and looked down. "No, I think I can probably guess the answer."

"Good. I don't really want to talk about it. We talk about it all the time and that's probably slowing down your recovery progress."

I nodded and jumped down from the counter. "I guess you're right. Er..what do you want for dinner, babe?"

Beca smiled and stood up. "Lets just order tonight, neither of us can be arsed cooking, let's be honest." She said. I grinned and pulled my phone out of my pocket. "What were you thinking?"

"I could kill a kebab right now."

"Oo, that's not a bad idea. Okay, do you want a pizza and some garlic bread too?"

"God, don't threaten me with a good time, Chloe."

"Nine inch? I mean, we have kebabs already, so we don't need anything bigger than a nine inch."

"Okay. Yeah, that works."

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