7. come back to me

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Beca's POV:

"Darling..wake up, please." I whisper, holding Chloe's cold, limp hand and kissing it gently. Stacie holds Aubrey and Emily while they cry, trying to stay strong for us all. It hurts seeing everyone like this.

I squeeze Chloe's hand gently, trying to think of something to do. Then my mind instantly goes to one of Chloe's all time favourite songs.

"Sunlight comes creeping in,
illuminates our skin,
we watched the day go by,
stories of all we did.
It made me think of you.
It made me think of you."

My voice begins to crack softly as I sing.

"Under a trillion stars,
we danced ontop of cars,
took pictures of the stage,
so far from where we are.
It made me think of you,
it made me think of you.

Oh, lights go down,
in the moment we're lost then found,
I just wanna be by your side,
if these wings could fly."

I wrote the song years ago, just after I met Chloe. And I finally sang it for her the day I asked her out.

Stacie reached out her hand to me and squeezed it gently. l smile softly, letting my tears flow. "I miss her. I haven't slept without her, I haven't eaten without her. I just want my Chloe back." I whisper, silent, salty tears falling from my face.

The brunette simply nods and looks at the pale redhead. "We all miss her. I just can't imagine how much you miss her."

"I guess I finally have time to finish writing 'wings' for her. Because no matter the outcome, it fits the situation." I mutter. Aubrey smiles and sits up. "It's a beautiful song so far."

"Thanks." I breathe. I take Chloe's hand and carefully place it on my stomach. "I hope you get to meet the baby."

An awkward silence fills the room. Nobody really knows what to say.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry, but we need to run some tests, so you'll all have to leave." A doctor enters the room and smiles.

Stacie stands up, Aubrey still tightly holding her hand and Emily hanging off the other arm. I slowly get up, kissing Chloe's forehead and waving to her as we leave.


When we got home I didn't know what to do. Every corner of the house seemed empty. Chloe wasn't there.

It was a feeling I never wanted to get used to. I took a deep breath and opened the notes on my phone.

And I started writing.

I stared at what I had already for my next song.

Sunlight comes creeping in,
illuminates our skin,
we watched the day go by,
stories of all we did.
It made me think of you.
It made me think of you

Under a trillion stars,
we danced ontop of cars,
took pictures of the stage,
so far from where we are.
It made me think of you,
it made me think of you.

Oh, lights go down,
in the moment we're lost then found,
I just wanna be by your side,
if these wings could fly.

"Okay....what about..yeah, that works."

I'm in a foreign state
My thoughts they slip away
My words are leaving me
They caught an aeroplane
Because I thought of you
Just for the thought of you

Oh, lights go down
In the moment we're lost and found
I just wanna be by your side
If these wings could fly

Oh, damn these walls
In the moment we're ten feet tall
And how you told me after it all
We'd remember tonight
For the rest of our lives
If these wings could fly

Oh, lights go down
In the moment we're lost and found
I just wanna be by your side
If these wings could fly

Oh, damn these walls
In the moment we're ten feet tall
And how you told me after it all
We'd remember tonight
For the rest of our lives.

I locked the notes and smiled to myself. The perfect song that describes exactly how I feel. And it would make sense, when I publish my first album. I'm already a music producer who does covers and mashups, people are just yet to hear my originals.

And, if it's successful, then if I get interviewed I can explain what happened to Chloe. Whether she survives treatment or..something else happens, it makes sense.

Stacie came into the living room and smiled softly. "I brought you some Dr Pepper. I gathered you'd need it after all that writing."

"How did you know I was writing?" I asked, taking the bottle and opening it. "You were lay on your back for an hour while furiously typing and whispering lyrics to yourself. So? How's the new song coming along?"

I sit up and take a sip from the bottle. "Ah. It's..okay. I'm thinking of publishing it in my album."

"Why don't you make it a single? As a teaser for the album." She suggests. "I want Chloe to hear it first." I mutter. Stacie smiles and nods. "Okay."

The harsh reality of the situation finally hit me when I said that Chloe should hear it first. There's always a chance she'll never get to hear it.

"Actually, that's not a bad idea. I'll email Liz and get it published by next month." I say. Stacie raises an eyebrow and laughs. "By next month? Beca, sweetie, these things take time."

I nod and take another sip. "Okay? I'll get it recorded in a week."

"You will?"

"You know what I'm like when I'm determined to get things done."

"I wish you knew how to take your time, Bec."

"Time is precious, Stace."

"I hope you know what you're doing. Beca, fame isn't all it's cracked up to be."

"I know, I'm not a child. It's just..if Chloe doesn't get to hear it, I want to make sure that atleast someone does. And if she doesn't get to hear it, you know what that means..I'll shut the world out, I'll never get it published."

She nods and breaks open a can of Monster. "Oh, you bitch! You know how much I love Monster and I can't drink it for a very long time!"

"Atleast I'm not drinking Mango Loco Monster." Stacie smiles. "Fuck you."

"I love you too, Bec." She says, standing up and looking at her watch. "Ugh, me and Bree best get back to Skylar and Bella."

I nod slowly before bursting out into tears. Stacie runs forward and hugs me. "Aw, sweetie. Don't worry, Em's staying here with you!"

"I know, and that's really sweet of her, but I don't want Em."

"What do you want?"

"I want Chloe to come back to me!"

Lyrics used : Wings by Birdy

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