8. just a dream?

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I wake up, realising I'm still on the hospital ward. I thought I was discharged?

"Morning, Miss Mitchell." One of the nurses comes into my room. "What am I still doing here? I went home, and then my girlfriend was going mad and getting worked up and.." I begin to ramble on, then realised it was just a dream.

The nurse laughs and shakes her head. "Sorry kiddo, those dreams suck don't they? Anyway, I've had a Miss Beale waiting for you for an hour atleast." My face lights up and I smile. "Send her in, please."

Chloe comes running into the room, jumping into the chair next to my bed and smiling. "Hey baby!" She says, taking my hand and rubbing it softly. "I had the shittest dream ever. I thought I went home, and then you relapsed or something."

The smile falls off her face. "I did? Beca, that's not gonna happen, I assure you." She shoots me a serious glance, then smiles again. "Serious?" I mumble. Chloe nods and kisses my hand. "Serious as I can be."

I smile softly and lean forward, Chloe doing the same. Her lips brush against mine for a second, then we lock lips and stay there for a moment. Everything stops hurting, and that's when I realise I can't breathe. I pull away from the kiss and my heart begins to race. Everything starts to go blurry, and my head is pounding.

Then it all goes black.

Chloe's POV:

Beca pulls away from the kiss and I can hear her gasping for air. She sits back and clutches her chest, closing her eyes tightly. Then her hand falls and the gasping stops.

I punch the red assistance button on the wall and four or five nurses come bounding into the room. "Help her, please! You have to help her, we were just kissing and then she started struggling with her breathing and I don't know what happened."

I stand back as more doctors rush into the room. Beca starts to go even more pale and the sound of her heart rate monitor gets louder and faster.

"What is going on?" Aubrey runs into the room and sees me panicking, then sees Beca. "What are you doing here? Do you realise how much you hurt my girlfriend?" I demand. She nods and smiles. "I came to apologise. But I saw people rushing into her room and I just knew you'd be here too, and you don't take these things lightly."

I nod and she takes me out of the room. "Do you have any idea what happened to her?" I shake my head and look through the window on the door. Her body is shaking violently, which indicates she's having a seizure.

"I have no clue at all. Uh, she had a nightmare though. She told me that she got discharged but we got into a fight and I relapsed but what she doesn't know is that..I might have actually relapsed." I mumble. Aubrey's face changes instantly and she grabs my wrists, pulling me to a random room and locking the door behind us.

She looks really concerned. "You did?" She whispers, looking me dead in the eyes. "Well, yeah, I cut my legs again. It doesn't matter, I~"

"Again?! Chloe, this isn't stuff you hide from me, or anyone." Aubrey hisses. "Stacie knew! I was crying in the shower when Stace came in to use the bathroom and she saw the blood all over the shower floor."

"Oh, you tell my girlfriend before you told me. 14 years have gone to shit then, haven't they?" Aubrey snaps. I raise my eyebrows and glare at her. "Just because you weren't the first person I told? I didn't plan on telling anyone, they all have Beca to be more worried about. Plus, it wasn't my fault Stacie happened to need a piss when I decided to play fruit ninja."

I laugh nervously at my own joke before Aubrey hugs me and starts to cry. "I wish I was there for you." She tells me, her voice cracking. "That's sweet." I reply slowly.

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