11. puppy

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Beca's POV:

"Oh my gosh. Chloe is gonna be so happy." I smiled as Stacie helped me put the dog crate in the back of my car. "You ready to go pick up your new dog?" She asked, grinning.

I nodded and hopped into the driver's seat. "She comes home tomorrow, so it'll be the perfect surprise."

"Yep. I still can't believe you agreed to getting a dog. I thought you didn't like them?" Stacie said.

"No, I love dogs. I just..don't really want one until after I have the twins. Maybe it'll help Chloe though? Like a therapy dog. And we're gonna have to find a safer place to keep medicine. And razors.." I muttered.

"Beca. Come on. Your life isn't gonna be the same now, for a long time. But I promise she'll get better. Just..make sure you know how many you have of each thing that could be dangerous to Chloe."

"I know."

"Hey, what happened to your hand?" Stacie asks, pointing at the plaster on the back of my hand. "Oh, I caught it on something. It's nothing."

She raises an eyebrow and looks at me. "Are you sure?"

"Yep. Mhm." I start the car before putting my seatbelt on. "Okay. Is your belt on?"

Stacie nods and smiles. "Lets go!"

We turn off the drive and Stacie plugs my phone into the car, turning on my playlist. Pow Pow by LCD Soundsystem blasts through the speakers.

"Oh God, skip this one please!" I say, remembering the night when I proposed to Chloe. "Are you alright, Beca? You know you can talk to me." Stacie mutters, skipping the song.

"I'm fine. Uh, where's that shelter you said we were going to?"

"Er...go right."



"SHIT! Stacie!"


"..It's fine."


I park outside the shelter, where hopefully mine and Chloe's new puppy is waiting for us. We go inside to the dog area.

Stacie spots a puppy and runs over to it. I follow her, realising why she ran over to it so fast.

The most gorgeous Brittany Spaniel puppy I think I've ever seen was lay down, fast asleep. "Oh, bless. I think he's the one." I smile. Stacie nods and looks back at me. "Definitely."

"Hey baby.." I whisper, kneeling down next to him and stroking his head gently. He wakes up and yawns, which is just adorable. "Aww. Aren't you just the sweetest?"

I pick him up carefully, holding him close to my chest and stroking his head. "You're definitely the one. Come on."


Chloe's POV:

I walk into our living room smiling, Beca carrying my bag in behind me. "Welcome home, baby." She grins. I hear a bark coming from the garden, so I head in that direction.

I gasp when a white and ginger Brittany puppy runs over to me, jumping up at me. "Hey precious! Oh my God, why didn't you tell me Beca?" I smile.

I pick up the puppy carefully. "What's his name, Bec?"

"I was waiting for you to decide that. I've just been calling him either 'gorgeous' or 'little shit'. So..." She smiles. I roll my eyes becore looking back at him and stroking him. "Hm..I don't know."

"He looks a bit like you. He's ginger and he has your gorgeous eyes." Beca says. "That's why we picked him. So..something beginning with C."

"Okay. Cupcake?"

"Chloe. Seriously? No. That was Stacie's great dane's name in Barden."

"Erm..Charlie. Yeah. That works."

Beca grins and nods. "That's a cute name."

"Charlie! Aww. He's so cute."

"God, it's like you love this dog more than your two unborn children." Beca jokes. "Hey! They'll always come first. I mean, first after you." I smile, standing up and kissing Beca. Charlie jumps in between us and barks, irritating Beca. "My God, can I not kiss my wife?"


Emily runs into the house after being out with her new crush, Zoey. "Chloe!! You're home!"

I laugh as she runs into me, throwing her arms around me. Charlie barks at her and bites the bottom of her pants, trying to tug her away. "Charlie! No. Sit." I say. He ignores me and jumps up at her.

"Dude, what is your issue? Do you just not like humans being affectionate to eachother?" Beca snaps, picking him up and staring at him. He licks her face and she groans, leaning away from him. "Ew! Charlie, can you not?"

Emily turns to him and laughs. "He's a cutie. How was your night with him, Beca?"

Beca rolls her eyes and pouts. "He tried ripping up my red panda plushie, then he pissed all over my pajama shorts. Oh, and he chewed through the wires on my Xbox. So yeah, it was great."

She puts the puppy back down just for him to resume trying to ruin Emily's pants. I shook my head and laughed. "Gosh."

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