2. realisation

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"Wait, hang on...did you say car accident?" I ask, calming down and looking at Chloe. "Yeah, baby..we had a fight again, and you walked out of mine and Aubrey's dorm, then you got in a taxi and...oh my god, this is harder than I thought." She sits back down and puts her head in her hands.

"Okay..so we fought and I walked out?" I say to her, and she simply just nods without saying anything. "Alright. Then...what happened after I got into the taxi?"

Chloe takes a deep breath, and her gorgeous baby blues lock with my icy blue eyes. "I called you, I chased that car with Aubrey and Amy behind me. I kept yelling about how I love you, and you just stayed silent before ending the call."

I nod, then reach out for her noticing she's crying. She leans forward and takes my hand, then smiles weakly. "And some truck came speeding down from one side, smashing straight into your side of the cab and sending it flying. I think you must have seen the driver die before you got knocked out."

Shit, did I? I can't remember much of what actually happened, but I do remember seeing the guy infront of me smash his head on the wheel and a load of blood spewing out from the impact.

"I think so." I mumble. "Who was the dude in the truck?" Chloe's face drops and a single tear rolls out the corner of her eye.


What? Jesse?! He couldn't hurt a fucking fly, let alone near kill me.

"JESSE?!" I yell, quickly sitting up and screaming in pain. "Baby, be careful! Your entire right side was basically crushed in the door and the impact had an effect on your back too." Chloe tells me, jumping forward and gently lying me back down.

"Fine, but Jesse fucking Swanson?! He refuses to kill fruit flies, why would he crash into a car? Was it on purpose?" I begin to ramble, but Chloe stops me.

"Calm the fuck down, Beca. No, it wasn't on purpose as far as we can tell, he was stoned and very drunk, but he wasn't very sorry about it." I stare at her blankly, hoping this is just some sick nightmare, but the pain is telling me that it's pretty fucking real.

Nurse Beckett comes back in with a nurse in training, called Blaire. Blaire looks pretty sweet, so I smile at her.

"Ms. Mitchell, we'll have to give you this shot to numb some of the pain. And we'll get you hooked up to another morphine drip. But, please, let us do this for you? It'll help, I promise." Nurse Beckett tells me, but I'm in so much pain I can't even respond. I just nod and close my eyes.

It was over faster than I expected, but it still hurt like a bitch. "OW!" I screamed when they put it in, but it didn't hurt that much.

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