14. plans

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"So, what are we actually gonna do for the wedding, babe?" Chloe asks me, opening her laptop and jumping onto the bed.

I shrug and join her on the bed, resting my head on her shoulder. "Well, you're gonna have to think about it." She says, opening Pinterest and looking for wedding inspiration.

"Chlo, I don't mind, you pick. I just wanna be in charge of food and music, that's it."

She rolls her eyes and laughs softly. "Rebeca, you are not just picking the music and the food." Chloe tells me, looking down at me and grinning. "Okay, so for the colour scheme.."

Chloe starts talking about different colour scheme options, but I don't really pay attention. I just start falling asleep on her shoulder.

"Rebeca! Oh my gosh, I can't believe you." Chloe snaps, gently shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes slowly and look up at her, smiling. "What's up baby?" I ask innocently. Chloe just rolls her eyes and looks down at her laptop. "Do you want white flowers or pink?" She asks, pointing at the screen.

I shrug and look at the screen. "Babe, it's up to you. I honestly do not care what colour our flowers are. I just care about you having an amazing day."

I kiss her cheek gently and stand up, walking over to our drawers. "I don't know why we're rushing into this, though. We haven't even graduated yet. I'm only 22, you're 24. We could wait?"

As I pull my pajama shorts and one of Chloe's hoodies out of the drawer, Chloe glares at me. "Beca, if you don't wanna marry me you could just say it."

I take my jeans off and pull my shorts on quickly, and Chloe continues to stare at me. "I-I never said that, babe." I reply, looking over at her and taking my shirt off. "No, but you implied it."

"How? Of course I want to marry you, babe. I just..I don't even know, it seems a bit soon." I say, undoing my bra and throwing it on the floor.

Chloe rolls her eyes and shuts her laptop angrily before standing up and walking to the door.

"Chlo?" I mumble, pulling the hoodie on. "Babe, where are you going?" I ask, running after her. "Bec, I'm just going out." She says, turning to look at me.

I shake my head at her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her back into the bedroom. "No you aren't. We agreed that after my accident, whenever we fight we can't just walk out."

Chloe stares at me and pulls her arm away. "Beca, you full on tried running away from me."

"Baby, I was really upset but this isn't the same~"

"Is it not? Beca, you think I'm not upset? You basically just told me you don't want to marry me, I have every right to break up with you right now."

"Y-You want to break up with me? Chloe, I never said I didn't want to marry you, I just said we don't have to run into this! I love you more than anything, I do want to marry you! Just not this second."

Chloe sighs and cups my cheek gently. "Fine. But if there is something wrong with marrying me, just tell me~"

"Baby, I have no problem with it at all." I say, leaning forward and kissing her. "I want to marry you more than anything, Chloe."


"Chloe, we did say that we wanted kids right?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Mhm. Why?"

"Well, how is that gonna work? I definitely don't have a dick, and unless you're amazing at hiding things when we fuck, neither do you."

Chloe laughs and rolls her eyes. "Babe, sperm donors are a thing. Or we could adopt."

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