10. plans

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I stayed up the entire night listening to Beca's new song on repeat. It was gorgeous and it was a way to hear her singing without being with her.

"Mrs Mitchell? Oh, you're up." Nurse Robinson came to the door, smiling. I nodded, wiping my eyes and trying to smile. "Aw, sweetheart. What's up?" She asked, noticing my glassy eyes and weary smile.

"I just need my wife. It's been two months nearly. She's pregnant, she needs me with her." I muttered quietly. "Well, that's why I'm here actually. I have news about your discharge date. If everything goes well, you should be home with your wife in a week or two." She said.

More tears came flooding out, this time tears of joy. "Really?!"

Nurse Robinson laughed and nodded. "Yeah. You're recovering pretty quickly. Anyway, why are you up this early?"

"I haven't slept. My wife recorded a new song and it's already in the top 10 on the charts." I smiled.

She grinned and raised an eyebrow. "She did, did she? What's her name?" Nurse Robinson asked before retrieving her phone from her pocket and opening Safari. "Beca, Beca Mitchell."

"Wings? Is that her new song? I heard it on the radio on the way here. It's a very good song, I have to say."

"I know." I smiled. I looked at my own phone and was shocked when I realised it was 5:27 AM. "Damn, I haven't slept in like..26 hours."

"Get some rest. I can get you some promethazine if you need it?"

I shook my head quickly. "No. Never again am I going near that." I muttered.

Flashback: (Aubrey's POV)

"Chloe! Chloe?!" I ran into my best friend's bedroom. I'd been staying there for the summer, so it was normal for me to just go in without knocking or anything. "Chloe, we aren't playing hide and seek." I laughed.

I searched her room and her walk-in closet, but she wasn't there. "Mrs Beale, have you any idea where Chloe is?" I asked her mother who looked puzzled.

"Er, no. I was just looking for her myself, dinner is almost ready. Do you think you could look for her while I set the table?" She smiled. I nodded and turned to the bathroom door. "Yes, of course!"

Mrs Beale went downstairs as I tried the handle, but it was locked. "Oh..Chlo, are you in the bathroom?" I called. I knew nobody else was in the house, as her father was away for work and her mother had just gone downstairs. And her brother was at his aunt's house.

"Chloeee?! Please answer me!"

Still, nothing. So I took a pin out of my hair and twisted it in the lock, bracing myself incase she just wasn't feeling like talking.

I gasped at the sight. The redhead lay lifeless on the floor, her usual tan drained from her skin and an empty box of promethazine beside her. "Chloe, what have you done?!" I shrieked.

Mrs Beale soon came up the stairs and she screamed when she saw her daughter lay on the floor. "Oh dear Lord!" She cried, covering her mouth and shaking slightly. I knelt down and checked Chloe's pulse and breathing. She was still alive. "She's- She's okay." I whispered.

I supported her back and leant her forward, and her head flopped back. She was freezing. "Holy....I-"

I was cut off by the sounds of Mrs Beale crying. "My daughter!" She cried out, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I-I'm so sorry, Ma'am."

She ran downstairs and soon an ambulance crew carried Chloe away. I was terrified. I didn't want that to be the last time I ever saw my best friend. I stayed with Mrs Beale at their house.

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