15.5. chloe's party (pt.2)

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Chloe's POV:

I watch CR struggle holding back Beca and Stacie. I wish that Beca had been more responsible with her drinking, she could have seriously been hurt.

Atleast it was just a cut on her head, and she hadn't hit anything too serious. I'm guessing that there was glass on the floor or something sharp that went into her head, and it wasn't just the impact of the fall.

I see Amy talking to the DJ and I quirk a brow, but my expression quickly changes from confusion to excitement when I realise what Amy asked him to do. The intro to LCD Soundsystem's 'Pow Pow' bursts out from every speaker in the room. The same song that Beca has always loved and even asked me out while it was playing at our first party here, in the same club.

Beca stands up and finds her way over to me while vaguely singing along. "Advantages...to each....dude, you remember this song?" She slurs, grinning and slipping her arms under mine and bringing me closer to her.

"Yeah babe, I do." I reply, laughing at her. She falls forward and her lips crash into mine, and her hands fall onto my waist.

"Hang on, Mitchell. We can save this for the bedroom, please." Aubrey laughs from behind us, taking a sip from her champagne. "Dude, you let this bitch have another drink and not me?"

I roll my eyes at Beca before explaining to her that Aubrey isn't off her face drunk after having a dangerous amount of shots.

The brunette nods slowly and folds her arms. "Still, you're depriving me of my Malibu Colas."

Me and Aubrey both laugh at her, and she pouts in response. "Aw, Beca! You look so cute when you're mad." I tease. She raises an eyebrow at me. "Babe, I am not cute. I'm a badass! Aubrey, tell her!"

Aubrey grins and takes another sip from her glass instead of replying. "Dude, not you too! I'm tough, even ask Amy!"

"Baby, you are a badass. But you weren't this cute before I met you, I know that." I tell her.

Beca frowns and stares at me blankly. "I'm not cute though. You just called me cute and badass in the same sentence, that makes no sense! It makes as much sense as 20 dollars going missing from my purse every month!"

"Oh darling, that's Amy. How else would she pay for the vodka we get every month?" I reply. Beca's jaw drops and she races over to Amy to confront her.

Aubrey smiles and looks over at Stacie, who is still trying to escape Cynthia Rose.

"So, how long until Cynthia lets go of her?" I ask, looking between Aubrey and Cynthia. "Eh, I'd give her another five minutes before she breaks."

"Alright, how much we betting?" I ask, pulling my purse out. Aubrey gasps and stares at me. "You're an awful friend, Chloe Elizabeth Beale!"

"Don't I know it. Well? How much?"


"Okay, bet."


I shake hands with the blonde before ordering another drink for myself. "Chloe, you shouldn't be ordering when you're gonna lose money to me." Aubrey tells me confidently. "Bree, she isn't gonna last another minute. I just know. Oh look! Is that Stacie ordering a tequila I see?"

Aubrey's head snaps around to see Stacie ordering a drink. "Oh, fuck you Beale!" The blonde hisses, pulling her purse out and handing me a twenty dollar bill. "Thank you kindly, Miss Posen."

"We're awful people."

"The worst."

"Who even bets on their friends?"

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