Chapter 44

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There was a bit of suspicion when Juan walked out the door at 8:30 PM because he wanted to go out—which was a little too early for Emilio's taste. Juan stopped in front of the common room, telling him "someone was waiting for him."

Nervousness clenched his stomach. Who would be there? Mateo? Rory? Suddenly nauseous, he opened the door—not expecting all the people behind it. The room was decorated, there were snacks, and slowly it dawned on him that they had organized a surprise party. His gaze shot around the room and rested on Mateo, who was leaning against the wall, giving him a wink.

When Emilio averted his gaze, Juan pulled him into a hug. "Don't get mad," he whispered. "But you deserve a party for turning twenty-five."

Don't get mad? 

Well—he felt tempted. He didn't like being in the spotlight—not in this way. But he also understood that Juan had grasped this distraction with both hands.

After Juan released him, he held out a present.

"That makes it even worse," Emilio muttered. He felt his cheeks flush and tore off the paper. The ultimate cookbook for men, he read. A slow smirk spread across his face.

"It's about time you learn to cook," Juan grinned back.

"Happy birthday!" Josephine said, wrapping her arms around Emilio. "And welcome to your own party! Everyone in our house gets a cake from me for their birthday, so you too! I made it with Jip." She gestured to the pale blue cake.

Awkwardly, Emilio rubbed the back of his neck. "That um, you really didn't have to do that, Fien," he muttered. "But uh, it looks good. Thanks."

"Of course I had! You live here now, too." She lit the star she'd stuck between the 2 and the 5 in the cake.

Emilio felt like a little kid when the stupid candle went on, and that feeling worsened when people started singing "Happy Birthday" with others soon joining them. Emilio turned in that direction since the voices sounded familiar to him but he couldn't place them. Surprised, he raised his eyebrows when he recognized Armando and Riley.

"No way," he said with a grin, walking up to them. "What the hell are you guys doing here?" He knew the pair from high school and they only met up a few times a year because of the distance.

Armando hugged him first and Riley followed.

"We still have a bet going on," Armando said with a grin. "So I like to keep you close."

Emilio had no idea what he was talking about.

Armando slapped his shoulder. "You forgot huh? No way dude. You owe me a hundred bucks if our friend over there gets married before he turns twenty-five." He nodded towards Juan.

"Don't tell him that," Emilio muttered. "His girlfriend broke up with him a few days ago."

"Oh. That sucks. But hey, we've got another six months." He grinned. "A lot can happen. I think he's still the romantic who, if things go well, would get married with someone after six weeks."

Riley slammed her shoulder against Emilio's. "Cut that cake, dude. I'm hungry."

Could he do that? That thing almost looked like a wedding cake.

Nevertheless, he walked to the kitchen to grab a knife and began to cut it awkwardly into uneven pieces. He felt like everyone was watching him and he could already see himself cutting off his finger and giving the cake a blood topping, but miraculously everything went well.

Emilio let some people wish him a happy birthday and accepted some presents—mostly booze. Riley and Armando stood a short distance away from him, talking to Juan. Emilio was glad Juan had invited the two of them; although they hadn't talked to each other a lot lately, the few reunions they had had always been enjoyable, and it felt good that they'd come all this way just to be here. Even though he felt embarrassed because of this whole party that had been organized for him, there was only one thing that really gave him a knot in his stomach and that was Mateo. Emilo dared not to look aside to see what he was doing, to whom he was talking and whether he might be looking at him. What on earth was he supposed to say to him? He had never regretted a kiss so much. Even the one with Rory he'd rather redo five times.

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