Chapter 21

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Rory left home a little too early because he was so nervous that he was getting hyperactive and he wanted to save Maddie another monologue about Emilio. Despite the cold, he treated himself to a swirled cone and a hot chocolate at the snack bar across from the bar where he would meet Emilio. The place was already crowded, there were a lot of bicycles next to the entrance. He was keeping an eye out for a Harley, although he realized Emilio might leave his bike at home so he could drink. 

Rory nipped from the melted whipped cream floating on the chocolate. The warm drink didn't chase away the nervousness. Not that he knew why he felt that way. After all, this was not a date. They would just go listen to a band and have a beer, as friends. To deepen their friendship. And Rory was determined not to drink too much so he wouldn't ruin things by trying to kiss him. 

Rory just put down his empty mug when he saw Emilio. He was wearing a black jacket, his hands shoved deep into his pockets while he strolled to the cafe. Quickly, Rory got up and went outside. 

"Hey," he said before Emilio went inside. 

The boy turned around. For a moment he looked around, then, his eyes found Rory's. His lips curled into a slight smile. "Hey."

Since Rory had rarely been in a bar where people were cuddlier than here, he didn't hesitate to greet his friend with a hug. He realized that this wasn't very natural to Emilio since he was standing rigid like a statue, but eventually, he wrapped one arm around Rory's back to pull him closer. 

If it was up to Rory they would keep standing here like this for the rest of the night. Nevertheless, he created more distance between them while looking up to Emilio with a bright smile. He couldn't help himself; all day long he'd looked forward to seeing him again. 

"You like metal or rock at all?" Rory asked curiously as they walked through the door. "Or is this night going to be a nightmare for you?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm more into hardstyle and hip hop, especially Latin hip-hop, but my first ex always dragged me to places like this and Juan listens to rock too. I'll be fine."

"How many girlfriends did you have?" Rory asked curiously as they sat at the bar. 

Emilio ordered two beers which they clinked before he answered: "I dated a girl for about a year when I was sixteen, although we broke up a lot of times too. That was my longest relationship. Thereafter my relationships didn't last longer than a month and it was only about sex, or because I needed a place to stay," he muttered, averting his eyes.

Rory wondered what it would do to someone's self-esteem; sleeping with someone to have a roof above your head. Although he knew Emilio didn't mind having sex with random people, it was a strange idea nonetheless. 

"To be honest I lost count a long time ago. I didn't love any of them." He sipped from his beer. "What about you? How many relationships have you been in?"

Ai, he felt like a complete rookie now. "None," was his honest answer. "Adam is the only one with whom I got past the first date."

"Seriously?" Emilio raised his eyebrows. "That surprises me. It's not like you look awful."

Rory felt the heat rise to his cheeks. Was that some sort of compliment? Did Emilio find him handsome? He swallowed nervously and asked: "You're into guys. Would you date me?"

Emilio didn't look at him but stared at his beer. The room was pretty dim, but he thought to see Emilio's cheeks flush too. The butterflies in his stomach took off right away. 

"Maybe," Emilio muttered. "If I didn't have feelings for someone else."

The butterflies froze to death immediately. It hurt. Sure — it was nothing new and Rory knew he should stop hoping for more than friendship. 

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