Chapter 32

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Sorry the update took so long, live is so busy ): 


Rory wasn't the only one worrying when Mateo and Adam suddenly walked to the kitchen. They'd shared a quick glance, but since the song was almost done they'd decided to finish it first. Maybe there was nothing wrong... But the way Mateo treated Rory today didn't sit right with Emilio and he knew his friend thought the same thing. However, the moment they left the stage, Adam had already returned while Mateo was a little ahead of them. There was a smirk around his lips while he looked at Adam, making Emilio feel nervous. What had he said to the boy? He didn't want Mateo to interfere with Rory and him. They were perfectly able to find their way around this without Mateo's help. When Rory and Adam found each other and their hands were intertwining for the umpteenth time, Emilio went to Mateo. 

"What did you do?" he hissed. 

"What?" Mateo raised his eyebrows. 

"You went to the kitchen with Adam. What did you say to him?"

"Nothing." Mateo shrugged indifferently, but Emilio wasn't stupid. Mateo never did something for no reason. 


Mateo rolled his eyes. "He looked depressed because his lover had so much fun with you. He told me he hated being so shy."

Emilio eyed him suspiciously. "And then?"

He shrugged once more. "I told him I had something that would loose him up a bit."

Emilio cursed. "Did you give him XTC?" he hissed. "Are you out of your mind?!'

"Quit whining man. All that kid wants is havin' some fun."

Speechless, Emilio shook his head. "Rory's losing it when he finds out you fed his boyfriend drugs!"

"Then keep your fucking mouth shut. He doesn't need to know." Mateo glared at him. "It's your and lover boy's fault that the kid feels like shit. The whole world can see how much you two want to fuck."

Emilio felt his cheeks glow. He however knew very well that Mateo was trying to pin this stupid move on him. Which made no sense, since Rory and he were only singing a song. This whole thing felt more like an act of revenge towards Rory. 

"Whatever, just leave them alone. Both of them. I feel ashamed of you." 

Emilio spun around and rushed away. For a moment he considered returning to Rory, but he was too angry to regulate his emotions, and eventually, he went to the roof terrace, where he sat down on a chair and lighted a cigarette. 

. . .

Rory looked over his shoulder and smiled at Adam, who'd wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "Are you having fun?"  

"I always have fun around you," Adam answered, kissing the corner of his mouth. "Although I wouldn't have mind to be alone with you now."

Rory turned around and placed his hands on his chest. "Is that so?" His eyes were twinkling. "And then what would you do?"

Adam felt the heat rise to his cheeks. He already felt a bit more confident, although he knew it was all in his head. It would probably take a while before the pill started to work. "Kiss you," he said. "In bed," he blurted out anyway. 

Rory chuckled softly, brushing their noses. "Did my boyfriend drink a little too much?"

"A little," he admitted. He bit his lip. "Does that bother you?"

"Nope..." He pressed a long kiss to his lips. "Not at all, if you start saying things like that."

Their eyes met. Adam wanted to kiss him, really kiss him, but he didn't want to hurt Emilio. 

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