The little cousin

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@stacyisthebest thx for the idea and also @SomethingAboutElvis too!!!

I was looking after my energetic little cousin, Katlyn, while my aunt was out. Keeping up with her was quite an adventure, as she was constantly running around and getting into things. I had to be on my toes to make sure she didn't accidentally hurt herself or make a mess that would be difficult to clean up. It was a fun experience, but definitely exhausting!

I could feel the tension building as she started crying in response to me using the dreaded word "no." Just then, I heard a faint knock on the door. Hastily, I made my way to the door and was taken aback to see my boyfriend, Walker, standing there. "Hey, are you okay? You seem out of breath," he said, just as I heard something fall in the other room. Rushing back, I found all the books scattered on the floor. "I'm okay," reassured Katlyn. "Walker, this is my little cousin, Katlyn" I explained

"He's so tall!" she exclaimed, craning her neck to look up at the towering figure beside her. With a resigned sigh, I replied, "I know..." As I met his eyes "Hi, Katlyn." His deep voice resonated, adding an unexpected depth to the brief exchange this happened sometimes. His voice would be normal or out of nowhere, Deep.

Later, she began to act erratically once more, and when Walker tried to hug me as we watched her, she suddenly exclaimed, "NO! Y/n IS MINE!" She then grabbed my hand and pulled me away from him. Walker chuckled, but I could sense a tinge of hurt in his voice as he asked, "What?"

"Y/N IS MINE! YOU'LL HAVE TO FIGHT ME FOR HER!!!" Katlyn said pulling me hard Walker smiled looking at me "But she's my girlfriend" he said but then the chase happened. Katlyn made me run away from Walker and played along "I'll get my princess back!" he growled like a dragon chasing after us. We hide behind a bed. "I just want a hug" he grumbled.  

she was giggling so hard but then she did it! She yawned! After all that long, hard, Work! "be quiet! He'll hear you" I stated but I was pulled onto the bed by my arms "I heard you!" Walker chuckled as he started giving me a kiss attack "Y/n!" Katlyn squealed as she grabbed a pillow "Down dragon!" she said as she hurled it at Walker.

This went on for a bit. But she passed out in my arms as I read her a bedtime story of fairytales. I tucked her and left the room and felt arms wrap around my waist "Finally" Walker said with a sigh. I could tell this is all Walker really wanted. "Thanks for helping me tonight" I kissed his cheek  

A/n: sorry it was so short but thx for reading my little lucky clovers! Oh before I forget I have a Y/n x Percy Jackson series on YouTube if you want to watch  that 

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