I need her

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Y/n was the sweetest girl I knew, she worked at a daycare which meant she was super patient with everyone

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Y/n was the sweetest girl I knew, she worked at a daycare which meant she was super patient with everyone. She was a living angel. God with that smile and that laugh that if she laughed there was a little snort that she was ashamed of so she would cover her face with her hand.

When I was having a demanding day at work she assembled my favorite snack that she made. She was the kinda person if you talked she would sit there and listen. 

If you got in a fight she would be right there by your side ready to kick ass. But in the summer she went to New York to join a dance competition that founded a hospital her mom worked at all the time.

I was so miserable when she left but she called me daily as she was gone I realized how much I liked her. The way she would complain about how she couldn't figure out the math, the way she would curse at people who picked on her friends, or the way her music tasted never matched the way she carried herself.

I remember as was working a summer job last year and this guy wouldn't stop flirting with her at the time I didn't realize I was jealous. She was trying to get the guy to stop but he wouldn't stop.

She was working at a local garden and I recall she told him to stop cause, unlike other girls she hated that type of attention. She was more of the type that liked being with her loved ones than going on dates.

I may have called her super scary dad over and he just looked at the boy and he left. Her dad reminded me of Hades from the Percy Jackson books.

I missed her so much so I begged my parents if we could to NYC to see her and after a week of begging, they gave in.

I wanted to surprise her with a gift. She hated asking for things but I knew the one thing she wanted the most, an empty book that had a heart lock on it and the cover that looked like it belonged in a museum. She wanted to become a writer, she loved telling stories of anything and I would listen to them for hours.

I loved the way she was so into the way she told stories and she was outstanding at camp stories. I got into the taxi and rushed to NYC as fast as the vehicles could go.

we arrived at her hotel and I found the room she was staying in I knocked and her dad opened the door" Walker? what are you doing here?'' he asked and I stutter out the truth about how I felt about this daughter and how I came to surprise her.

He let me in and I saw she was passed out on the bed so I went over and lay next to her. watching her sleep was so peaceful I traced her features but as I did she came over to me and laid on my chest. 

I shivered at this, I had a weird relationship with this feeling I hated that she had this effect on me but I liked that she was the only one that did this to me. 

I played with her soft hair seemed unreal with the way she messed with it, she always messed with it like curling or making it straight. But no matter how much she did it felt so soft.

She groaned as she woke up and I sat up waiting with the gift behind my back and she sat up"Dad? what time is it?'' she asked and I replied "3: 30'' she opened her eyes and saw me.

she threw her arms around me and hugged me super tight "WALKER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" and I hugged her back feeling so happy knowing how much she missed me. 

"I had to see you," I said as I planted a kiss on her forehead which made her blush "I missed you so so so much!" she said as she pulled away and I said to her "I got you something" I handed her a box that was wrapped up.

she opened it and gasped when she saw the book "You remembered?'' she questioned and I nodded she kissed my cheek and I fainted.

I woke up in the bed and she was there right by my side "You fainted, you okay?'' she asked and I got up looking at her eyes.

"I like you a lot" I blurted out and I wanted to take it back but she kissed my lips and I almost fainted again. "Me too" she said as she pulled away. I smiled at her as she crawled into my arms I knew I was in love with her.

A/n: okay I saw older people saying they can't wait for him to be 18 like come on! I am having a couple of bad days with the media! please know I respect him and I would never write stuff about that!

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