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A/n:  @AyumiTakagashi  shout out again for the idea and if any of you have an idea plz leave a comment (my only request is no Smut!)  and plz follow my yt

I was heading over to Y/n's house after school, and she had been overworked with school, I comprehended that part but I wish I knew how much it was getting to her.

I was at the door to her house, and as I was about to knock her mom opened the door "Walker? What are you doing here?'' she asked and I explained that I wanted to see Y/n, that I missed her and my face burned.

Her mom let me in and I went to her room she was at her desk with her head in the school book and pencils in her hair, she was amusing that way. she would put her hair up in a bun with a hair band and hold it in place with a pen or pencil and forget it was in her hair, looking around for it like she lost a Ginnie pig.

I stood by the door watching Y/n studying in silence which wasn't like her, she despised the quiet. Y/n consistently said that she felt better and understood better things if there was music playing.

I heard her sniffle and wipe her face so I went over to her in concern "Y/n? you okay?'' I said softly and she turned to me in surprise "WALKER? How long have you been standing there?" she said but it felt like it was a snap "Long enough to know you were crying," I said sitting next to her.

"That's a lie, I wasn't crying I sneezed before you came in" she lied overlooking I knew her too sufficiently to know whenever she lied.  She grabs her book and flings it across the room "Fuck this shit" she muttered as she got up and face-planted in her bed.

"Do you want help?"' I requested and desired I had shut up when I had the opportunity "Your help?! I've been failing cause of you!" she said as her cheeks turned pink "You are a huge distraction for me!!! I don't even know why!!!" I felt so guilty hearing that that it felt like I was being gutted.

"Well, maybe if you talked to me I could help you figure it out!" I said no, I begged and she did not like this at all, Nethiter did I.

"It's so easy for you to say!" She said running her fingers through her hair which always stunned me like a bee to the face. "I'm not smart like you!" 

"Don't say that! you ar-" I was in the middle of saying when she cut me "Don't finish that goddamn sentence! I have been failing ever since I met you!" She blurted as tears ran down her face "I wish I understood things like you do, but, the only thing I understand is that I'm stupid and not ever gonna get to Yale" she said softly.

Y/n wanted to go to Yale to learn how to do everything she could get her hands on but she was having a hard time with high school right now.

"You know what? Leave" she said pointing out her door and I didn't know what to do. Y/n always had a hard time asking for help, so she never did.  "I'm already failing on my own, I don't need this cute boi act making me fail worse" When she said that, it clicked.

"Cute boi act?'' I repeated locking eyes with her and she shifted her weight to her other foot "I didn't mean that" she said and I got up and walked out the door not enjoying pissing her off anymore.  

"Then what did you mean by that?'' I asked and she closed the door but I heard her crying and saw her shadow at the bottom of the entrance.

I had no clue what to do so I asked her mom if I could stay over. Her mom agreed so I sat on her couch waiting for her the whole night and fell asleep there. 

I woke up in a blanket and Y/n was asleep by my side and she had a notebook being used as a pillow I adjusted her to lay on an actual pillow and when I tried to place a blanket on her she woke up.

"I'm sorry, about snapping at you," she said sleepily pushing herself up and wiping her face I smiled at her taking the notebook from her and looking over her notes as she woke up and I saw what she was having a hard time with.

"OH, Y/n it's not your fault," I said and she faced me with complete wonder "What do you mean?'' she asked taking the book back and scanning the notes "Our teacher explained it wrong" I explained and she cursed "THAT BITCH!!! I swear she is a dumbass!" I don't know why, but whenever she cursed it was amusing.

"I'm sorry again for yelling at you, Walker," she said cupping my face and then she did the one thing I never could see coming! She kissed my cheek and I felt my nose hurting, I better not get a nosebleed in front of her! image that. Her lips were soft against my skin and I didn't know if it would be weird if I kissed her back or left it alone.

"I thought this would be better than any sorry I could ever say" she explained with her cheeks pink and I could only stare at her without any words coming out "Walker?" she waved her hand in front of my face "I think I just died" I was able to say and I felt her kiss me again. this time she was teasing me so I felt I had to get her back.

I cupped her face "Oh, no I'm sorry, but I can't keep going with the 'cute boi act'" I said and I kissed her cupid's bow and she gasped, I could feel her hands shake "There are no lessons for boys like you" she said and I gave her a sly smile "Can I kiss you?'' I displayed it under my breath and she kissed me.

I, of course, folded right into her touch and it would've lasted forever if we hadn't heard her mom enter the room"Morning guys" her mom said making coffee in the kitchen "Did you finish your homework, Y/n?'' her mom asked and Y/n had a cunning smile "Not yet, mom, I just got started"(not in a weird way)  she said walking away giving me a wink. 

Y/n's brother enter the room and said to her grabbing water "I better not find out that Walker is your damn homework" Y/n smiled at me and her brother gave her a death stare "he is! isn't he!?'' 

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