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There I was with plates in my hands, arms and my head going to each table in a rush. I was working a summer to get to the place of my dreams but it was so hard to pay for and both my parents worked two jobs.

My boss/ the chief hated me so much and told me I was underage to work but I was 15, telling me all the time that I sucked at my job. I fixed my suit which was a dress too.

"Order 12 Coffee and dark chocolate with an egg sandwich" I grabbed it and stepped to the table but I was cut off by the door opening and getting hit by this guy. I fell to the ground spilling the coffee all over me but I saved the sandwich. 

"I am so sorry! I didn't see you there" He said quickly but I was already in a mood "LISTEN JERK! This is my only chance to go to Paris and become a photographer so don't mess this up for me!" I said getting up and going over to the table.

"I apologize about that I'll be back with your coffee," I said to the woman and she gave me a face.

I went back and made the coffee on my own and rushed over to her "It's too hot' she complained "You might have to wait for it to cool" I said trying not to lose my patience. I did my other rounds each time got harder with each customer getting on my nerves.  

"order 3, blue pancakes and blueberry milkshakes" I nodded and grabbed it placing the drinks on my head and the pancakes in my hand stepping over to the table.

"Enjoy your meal," I said then I saw the jerk that hit me he had blonde hair that like kinda like a ginger's in the light and blue eyes.

"We will," said the girl she had brown eyes and her hair braided with so many bracelets on each hand.

 "Thanks so much, pretty girl," said the boy with brown eyes too and brown curly hair trying to rizz me up with a face he was doing. The other was avoiding eye contact with me.

"My name is not Pretty Girl, it's Y/n," I said taking the bill that the blonde boy handed me without looking at me. 

I walked away but some kid threw their PB&J at my hair I looked back and he flicked me off. I took a breath and continued with my work.

this kid was getting on my nerves and kept throwing food at me. I was about to lose it but had the kid throw a piece of his food that blonde boy caught it "I kinda owed you" he said with a sweet smile.

"Thanks," I said and he went over to the kid and they talked for a moment then the boy talked to the mother as he pointed at me so she got up coming to me " I am so sorry I didn't mean to, my son he can get out of control sometimes" I was confused by this.

"umm, it's okay?'' I said looking at the woman and then at the boy. He smiled again and my stomach made a knot. I did the rest of my work for a bit until it was time to head home. My feet felt as though I had been on them all day I looked down at my watch, it had been all day.

the next day I came to work and saw that blonde boy in a suit with an apron around his waist, the male version of my uniform I went over to him trying to pull him away so I could talk to him but my boss came in.

"Y/n!!" he said cheerfully it scared me "Meet Walker Scobell, the young actor thought he might work for us!" he said wrapping his arm around the boy.

"Why?'' I asked but no one answered me and my boss got to work I started by doing the dishes and he came up to me "Umm hi, I'm Walker" he said so I hummed.

"your name?'' he asked and I ignored him "Still mad? Got it"  he said and then customers started coming in and ordering.

Walker tried to do what I did with the plates but he spilled them every single time so I grabbed my camera from my bag and took a photo of him "That's a keeper" I said laughing and he replied "SO funny" 

"Y/n," I said with my back to him "Hmm?'' he said and I smiled as I got to work with the plates doing what he tempted to do what I do daily. 

kids were going crazy and he seemed to know how to calm them down. We talked a handful of times and this conversation shooked me "Look, I'm really sorry about knocking into you" he said as we did the dishes at the end of the day and I looked at him "Thank you for today" I said "I didn't realize how much I needed help" 

He smiled and faced me"Does this mean you forgive me?'' and I got closer to his face making him blush "Maybe," I said with a teasing smile then our boss entered "GROSS TEEN ROMANCE!!" we looked away from each other "It's not that!!" we both said.

This continued for the whole summer. Walker and I became good friends and he introduced me to Leah, Aryan aka Mister Rizz, and all his other friends. Work became fun, I taught Walker how to balance plates on his head without it tipping.

He taught me how to play piano and I showed my all the photos I had taken over the years as I explained my dream to go to Paris and take photos there.

"You're amazing," he said but he wasn't looking at my photos but at me but I didn't see this I was busy dreaming about Paris I looked back at him with a blush all over his face and said in his ear " Je time beaucoup" which meant I like you a lot. but he didn't know French but he did shiver as I whispered in his ear that close to him.

The summer passed too quickly so it was the last day of work and my boss came up to me "Look, I know I have you a hard time but I mean it when I say you did good kid" he said like he meant it.

"Don't think this is goodbye until next summer to make my life a living hell?'' I said to him and he smiled at me messing up my hair then Walker came up to me with a jar.

"You know how I never told you why I decided to work here?"' he said to me and I nodded "Well, the reason was I like you and I wanted to help you get your dream" he turned the jar and it said y/n's Paris money "It's enough for you and your whole family" he said.

I looked at him with shock and I didn't know how to react "is there enough for maybe another family?'' I asked staring into his blue eyes "Could be'' he glimpsed into the jar putting it to his face but I put it down.

"Je t'aime beaucoup," I said again, and this time he smiled"I may have looked up what that meant" he giggled and I beamed at him.

"so you gonna kiss me or just giggle like a dumbass?'' I asked but I was pulled into a kiss he smiled through it, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Ready to go to the city of love with me?'' I invited.

 "My city is you, Waitress" he reassured me holding my hands interlocking them with mine. "AND to think I almost hated you for a moment" he buried his face into my shoulder "I SAID I WAS SORRY"

A/n: HI MY LUCKY CLOVERS! plz check out my other stories and leave a comment about what you think (I love reading them) and follow me here, tiktok and youtube!

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