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I was baking cookies with my boyfriend Walker Scobell, he was covered in flour already and we just started "GOLDIE LOCKS HOW ARE YOU COVERED ALREADY?" I said looking at him dusting himself off.

"The flour doesn't like me," he said so cutely and I hugged him "It's fine we'll make them together," I said and he pecked my cheek and I blushed. even though we were dating he still made me feel the way before we did.

I noticed him grabbing a chief hat and an apron that said 'Kiss the chief' and I laughed so hard I ended up on the floor. I couldn't breathe so he said to me "Did I just kill my girlfriend?'' he said with a slight tone of worry.

I got up and finally stopped laughing it felt too quiet so I decided to annoy Walker "ALEXA!" he looked at me like a bullet train just hit me "Y/n! NO" he said slowly and I added "PLAY OLIVIA RODRIGO!!" and it played her new album.

"TEHE" I giggled as I mixed the mixture together I learned how to make cookies without anything that could be algerine. I was so in the zone that I didn't see Walker come up from behind me.

He hugged me from behind and I jumped out of my poor skin and I faced him with my face red"DUDE! You scared me!" he kissed me cutting me off and I melted into it "Next time though" I warned him and he gave me that smile that made me rethink all my choices.

"Sorry not sorry," he said, and then the mixer was shooting flour everywhere. We shared a look and ran to it like it was a battlefield. It hit both of our faces and I got to hit as Walker shielded me "GOT IT!" I said with a sigh as it stopped. 

We looked at each other and after a moment of silence, we laughed. I sighed and hugged him as I wiped the flour off his face "See! I told you that flour is evil!" he said with one hand on my waist and the other pointing at the mixer. I grinned at him as he whipped my face off.

Then we got back to backing then I heard a thud so I looked over and Walker was on the ground "nevermind this whole kitchen is evil!" he shouted I helped him up.

"I think we should just order pizza," I said then the oven started smocking "SHIT! THE COOKIES!" I shouted in fear turning it off. Walker rushed over to all the windows and opened them and then what we tried to avoid happen, happened. The fire alarm went off and it was all hell for a moment until they quit going off.

"Pizza?'' I asked leaning on the counter and he replied with the phone in his hand "Pizza" Other then almost catching the house on fire I had fun with Walker. It was cute seeing him try to cook and bake and all the struggles we went through.

The pizza got here and we sat on the couch as we watched a movie. I cuddled up next to him after we finished eating.

"Maybe next time we try to cook we have one of our parents here" he suggested and I joked "Like my dad?'' he shivered in fear  "Not your dad! he terrifies me!" he added and kissed my forehead.

A/n: I love this! sorry it wasn't so long but I have been busy I had an edit on youtube and tiktok so go check it out under the same username. Walker is back on TikTok! 

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