Injury pt 3

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Walker Pov:

Okay let's rewind on the past few days for me cause you have seen this from Y/n's point of view which don't get me wrong, I love hearing Y/n's opinion but you need to see this from my side. and I'm not in Y/n's head so whatever she said about me It's wrong unless she saying nice things about me 🥰

but I was in my room playing Fortnite when I heard my phone ring to be honest I thought it was Aryan so I went over to pick it up but it was an unknown number  "Hello? who's this?'' I asked putting my phone to my ear 

"Walker? Hi! this is Sage, one of Y/n's friends and I know how much you care about her so I thought I should tell you this" Something about the tone of her voice made me uneasy. "What happened?" I asked now pacing in my room as she explained "Y/n was trying to piss off our dance teacher by wearing her ballet shoes skateboarding and now she's in the hospital" My stomach dropped into the underworld with Kronos.

I hung up and went over to my parents and told them about Y/n in the hospital. They share a look and my sister Leena opens the door holding the keys "We have to check on Walker's girlfriend before he explodes before our very eyes'' I would hug her but I wasn't thinking about that at the moment.

now at the hospital, I asked the doctor where was Y/n L/n and they showed me to her room, her foot was in a cast and she wasn't wearing any makeup which I prefer, I love seeing her naturally than wearing odd shit on her face.

she looked tired but after a bit, she tried to get up and I got pissed at her I told her to sit down, and each time my sister tried to come in. When my sister left I tried to playful push Y/n to rest but she pulled me down with her. I blushed so hard and then I heard my sister's footsteps coming so I moved away and went to help my sister with my mom.

I'll be the first to admit I have been crushing on Y/n since we met, something about her made my insides scream her name. so seeing her like this crushed me like a giant hammer to my heart.

that night I couldn't sleep so when I heard my phone buzz I went to it seeing it was Y/n so I talked to her the whole night, watching her fall asleep was so cute and I had a plan, cause I wanted her to know how much she means to me.

the next mourning I was already at the hospital and I told her parents the plan before they went to check on her. I went to Y/n and she was talking to them I could tell she was happy to know she was going home. I picked her up bridal style which made her squeal. I carried her to the car and sat next to her on the drive to her house.

She fell asleep, resting her head on my shoulder I wrapped my arm around her, kissing her on her forehead. I could tell again she was in pain so I wanted to make her life easier. When we got to her house I carried her to her room and laid her on her bed. 

I grabbed the decorations I had planned and started putting them up, and put the flowers, her favorite next to her bed. I got done with her room and turned off the light where only the fairy lights were on. I went to her bed and lay next to her in case she needed help, THAT'S IT! I SWEAR! it's not like I needed to be close to Y/n just to breathe right.

She woke up and gasped when she saw all the decorations shaking me awake. "Walker, did you do this?'' she asked with a smile on her face that I couldn't resist so I cupped her face without thinking and I could hear the small gasp she let out.

I met her lips and she deepened them wrapping her arms around me, I pulled away and I knew I should explain "Y/n-" "Walker! I like you and I have been wanting to tell you since you gave me this" she held up her bracelet and I kissed her again.

"Hmm, does that mean I have been crushing longer than you?'' I said with a smile and she rolled her eyes. "No cause it took me getting hurt for you to make a move" I mean she wasn't wrong but it made me realize I never wanted to be far from her, even if she was hurt or not.

A/n: I'm so sorry if it sucks! I had no clue how to do this part! but if you have an idea leave a comment (No smut)

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