the daughter of Nyx pt 9

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read the full story it a another full story!

I can't believe I have to sit next to him. He's been my nemesis since the hill. Every conversation we have feels like we're at each other's throats. He made that ridiculous comment about 'meeting a pinecone's faith,' and it got me so angry. Now, not only do I have to deal with him, but I also have to help stop the gods. It's frustrating because it's not even my problem to begin with.

While waiting for Annabeth to grab some snacks, Percy and I got into a heated argument. I can't even remember what it was about, but we were both yelling and getting pretty worked up. Grover, who hates conflict, started to get nervous and began singing a song to try to calm us down. It was actually kind of funny, but I was still annoyed with Percy. Finally, Annabeth came back with the snacks and I told her to hurry up next time before I lost my cool completely.

As soon as Mrs. Dodds entered the bus, I was instantly on high alert. However, I quickly took action and touched the rings on my middle fingers, which transformed into two sliver lethal daggers. When Mrs. Dodds came at us, Percy and I didn't hesitate to run, and I managed to land a decisive blow by stabbing her in the wing. Annabeth also took action and joined the fight, ultimately defeating Mrs. Dodds and causing her to turn to dust. Though not unscathed, I emerged from the encounter victorious, despite sustaining a cut on my arm.

After we got off the bus, Percy took my arm and led me towards the woods. Once we were safely away from the others, Percy looked at me and said, "You're hurt." I felt a twinge of pain and looked down to see a small cut on my arm. I must have gotten it while fighting the monsters earlier. As Percy examined the wound, I looked back to see Annabeth pulling Grover away, leaving me alone with Percy. I could feel my face growing warm as I realized how close we were standing. Despite the pain, I couldn't help but feel a little giddy at the thought of being alone with Percy.

"I'm fine," I said, my voice trembling as I tried to pull away from him. He ignored my attempt to move and got closer, his hand reaching for my wrist. I winced as he took hold of it, his grip firm but not painful. Suddenly, he pulled out a rag from his pocket, or somewhere I couldn't quite see, and wrapped it around the cut on my arm. I could feel the warmth of his hand and the roughness of the rag against my skin, as my face flushed with embarrassment. I looked up at him, our eyes meeting for a brief moment. His blue eyes were intense yet gentle, and I could feel myself getting lost in them.

A/n: hope u like it sorry it was short! thx for reading my little lucky clovers

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