The boy is mi..Drunk?!

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Warning: Make out? (NO SMUT!!! GROSS don't even ask!) and alcohol 

I was sitting in my cozy room, focusing on drawing a picture for my art class, when my phone suddenly beeped. I picked it up and saw that it was Charlie calling me. I felt a bit uneasy as Charlie was not the type to call me out of the blue. 

He told me that he, along with Walker and Aryan, had met some new kids and they were all going to a party together. I was immediately wary of the situation and didn't trust these new acquaintances at all. 

I knew Charlie all to well to know that he was more of a texter than a caller, so receiving a call from him felt quite strange to me. 

As Charlie explained the situation, I could hear Walker's slurred words in the background. He confirmed Charlie's suspicions with a soft tone, which only fueled my growing anger. Walker had been made drunk by the group of guys they were with. 

Suddenly, I heard him shout, "SAY HI TO MY WIFE FOR ME!!!" The embarrassment caused me to blush a little, but I quickly composed myself and began to devise a plan.

"I'll take care of Walker. Bring him to my place," I said firmly, and Charlie agreed. I prepared everything in case he needed to vomit or felt unwell. 

The idea of Walker getting drunk was unacceptable to me. He was too innocent for that kind of thing, and the fact that those guys got him drunk made me angry.

 I heard a loud knock on my door. I knew exactly who it was. It was the boys - my best friends. I made my way towards the door. As I opened the door, I saw Aryan standing there with a sad look on his face. I knew right then that he was going to get an earful from me. Charlie was right behind him, and I saw that he was struggling to keep Walker on his feet. It was clear that Walker had a bit too much to drink. 

Charlie looked at me and rolled his eyes, "TherE's my aNgel," Walker said  I could tell he was annoyed by Walker's drunken behavior. "He hasn't shut up since we left the bar. He's been yelling in my ear the whole time," Charlie complained.

I gave Aryan a stern stare and said, "You guys can't handle parties, can you?"

Aryan lowered his head in shame and apologized. I knew he felt bad for letting things get out of hand. I looked at Charlie and said, "Let's get Walker inside before he passes out on my doorstep." Together, we helped Walker inside and made sure he was comfortable on the couch. As I watched my friends settle in, I couldn't help but think how lucky I was to have them in my life. but pissed.

 he complained that it was too hot, even though the temperature was lower than usual. I decided to grab some blankets from the closet and turned my back for a moment. However, I suddenly heard some shouting, which made me turn around. To my surprise, Walker had taken his shirt off and was standing there, looking quite agitated. 

Despite the boys' attempts to get him to lay back down, he was being stubborn and refused to do so. "I don't waNt to," he said with a hiccup. However, I noticed that he was getting quite sleepy, and I knew the best way to put him to sleep. At the same time, I needed Charlie and Aryan to leave and head home.

As the night progressed, Walker's drunken state became more and more apparent. His behavior was becoming increasingly erratic, and he was starting to make those around him uncomfortable. Sensing the tension in the air, I decided it was time for everyone to head home.

Despite their protests, I insisted that they leave, explaining that I needed to calm Walker down and that they were only making the situation worse. Eventually, they relented, and as they were leaving, Aryan made sure to ask me to keep him updated.

"Text me if anything happens?" he inquired, looking at me with concern. I nodded, promising to keep him in the loop.

As the night progressed, I found myself in the company of a drunken Shirtless Walker. I couldn't help but blush as I slowly approached him, trying my best to not stare as I had never seen him without a shirt on before. "Okay, Walkie. I'm going to take you to my room now, alright?" I asked him softly, hoping to be respectful towards him. He looked me in the eyes and slurred, "Okay, my dreamy girl." I led him to my room.

I gently guided him to sit on the edge of my bed and spoke softly, "I'll get you some water now." I walked towards the kitchen and took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. I couldn't help but think about the mixed signals he had been sending me lately, with the constant pet names and flirtatious gestures. 

My mind also went back to the moment when he got drunk and our friends tried to help me handle the situation. As I grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen, I tried to sort out my feelings for him.

Returning to my room, I noticed that Walker had closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. or that's what I thought. I placed the glass of water on the side table and turned around to leave the room. 

Unexpectedly, I felt a strong grip around my waist and something warm on my neck. Walker had wrapped his arms around me and was kissing my neck. The moment was both thrilling and confusing, as I tried to make sense of the situation and my feelings toward him.

I turned around to face him, my heart racing with anticipation. I could feel the tension between us, and I wasn't sure what was going to happen next. Suddenly, he leaned in and kissed me deeply, catching me off guard. My body responded immediately, and I found myself completely lost in the moment. His lips tasted incredible - sweet and intoxicating, and I wanted nothing more than to kiss him forever. 

As the kiss continued, he pulled me closer, his desire for me growing with each passing moment. I could feel the heat radiating off of his body, and I knew that I was in trouble. I felt him pick me up, and I melted into his arms as he carried me to the edge of my bed. Our lips never broke contact, and I could feel the hunger between us growing with each passing second. It was an incredible feeling, and I knew that I never wanted it to end.

 I could smell the alcohol on him. Despite his inebriated state,  Walker then moved down to kiss my neck, causing me to gasp for air. "Walker! I...You! You need to rest!" I managed to say, my voice shaking slightly from the intensity of the moment. It was clear that he was not in a condition to continue, and I knew that it was best for him to rest and recover. 

"I..I..I'm sorry Y/n," he said softly, with a hint of regret in his voice. I turned to look at him, and he met my gaze with a pained expression. Despite the hurt, I managed to offer him a small smile, hoping it would bring him some comfort. 

"Let's talk about this in the morning, okay?" I suggested, reaching out to stroke his hair. He nodded, and I felt him cuddle up next to me, seeking solace in my embrace. 

As he drifted off to sleep, I found myself lying awake, lost in thought. The events of the evening played over and over in my mind, each moment etched into my memory like a painful tattoo. I knew that we needed to talk things through, but for now, I was content to hold him close and let him know that I was there for him.

A/n: should I do a part 2? 

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