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Walker was watching Y/n from afar as she talked to many attractive boys. Her smile was like poison it took over Walker's heart and currently she's running through his veins.

All Walker wanted was her attention and her love but all the boys were over her, and he didn't blame them, she was the most captivating girl at the school.

But he was envious of the boys she chitchatted to but he didn't know that all Y/n desired was for him to come up to her and ask her out.

She hated how all these boys just talked to her cause she was ''appealing"  she thought as she watched Walker playing with his food from afar. 

Walker had known Y/n for 4 months now but whenever he said anything to her his soul froze from nervousness, and Y/n was terrified she'd get rejected if she requested him to by her boyfriend.

The day came when there was a rare school challenge where you chose your partner and went on an adventure for a trophy. 

 All the boys asked Y/n while she was at her locker and heard Walker scoff but she had enough of this so she thrust through the lads and walked over to Walker "You have no alternative, you will be my companion I don't accept no for an answer" she said to the jealous boy who blushed like a rose on a cloudless day "o...Okay" he stuttered out.

but when they were skimming for clues that day together in the garden having a blast, enjoying each other company, and making puns, John the Jock came up to Y/n and acted like Walker was a ghost "SO I was wondering if you like to go to the movies with me?'' he said looking at Y/n who felt uneasy around this guy. "great more guys" Walker said 

"what am I gonna do?'' she thought looking around and glimpsing Walker strolling away from them with irritation on his face "I'm so sorry but me and Boyfriend are attempting to win this thing cause we're not losers so the explanation is no," she said grabbing Walker's arm yanking him to her side  

"yeah, right, him?" John said and Walker got red either from fury or jealousy but Y/n faced Walker redder than a tomato ready to get rejected.

but the guy left and she sighed in relief "That was close" she said and Walker ignored her but she noticed this "Hey? Are you okay?'' she asked him, he remained silent but Y/n wanted, no, she needed to know why he was just being super sweet to her and then ignoring her.

"please talk to me" she begged him for a whole hour when Walker finally gave in "FINE!" he shouted which startled Y/n a little not that he yelled but at her "You wanna know why I'm ignoring you?'' he said looking at Y/n and she only nodded but Walker couldn't tell her not like this.

Y/n looked up at his eyes then she notice his lips so she glanced at them then back at his eye which sent a quiver through Walker's spine. then yet another by came over to Y/n but she was only looking at Walker. The guy opened his mouth to speak but Walker snapped at him "Can't you see that we are in the middle of a conversation?!" he said with anger all over his face.

The boy left faster than a jackrabbit and Y/n noticed the jealousy written on Walker's face which made her smile "Why are you smiling?'' he snorted at her "Cause you're cute when you're jealous" and his face got red.

"So, how long?'' she asked but was cut off by lips smashing into her! Walker was over not showing how much he needed Y/n's attention, Love, company all the above. Y/n was shocked despite that still got on her tiptoes to kiss Walker better.

They pulled away from each other "You were jealous!" she said hands around his neck but he was embarrassed by the he acted 

"Yeah, I have this crush on you and I may have reacted wrong" he explained but Y/n kissed him again "I wanted you the whole time" she whispered as they stood in the garden.

they lost the challenge but gained each other and they felt as though they won the whole world and more 

A/n: HI I love this one and btw tomorrow is my birthday!!!! AH LOVE YOU ALL

Walker Scobell oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now