acting is hard when we are falling

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I was in the newest movie with Walker Scobell and let me tell you it was hard! The way we met was odd too, I was in a coffee shop doing school work cause I'm homeschooled but then the paparazzi came out of nowhere asking me a hundred questions and...

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I was in the newest movie with Walker Scobell and let me tell you it was hard! The way we met was odd too, I was in a coffee shop doing school work cause I'm homeschooled but then the paparazzi came out of nowhere asking me a hundred questions and overwhelming me with photos. I was in a Spider-Man movie with Tom Holland as a character called Slik (just an image), and people were going crazy.

"Please, I'm in the middle of school" I remember begging but out of nowhere this boy with blue eyes and curly blonde hair wrapped his arm around my shoulder "Y/n there you are! I told you I'd help you with school at my place, and that you need to lay off the coffee," he said looking at me with a face of follow along.

I looked at him and I knew who he was right there and then Walker Scobell the actor for Percy Jackson "I'm so sorry! walkie..I just needed to reboot" I said kinda lost.

"well, we have to go now," he said as I packed my stuff, He grabbed my hand and rushed me out of the coffee shop and we ran super fast.

we finally stopped out of breath and I looked at the boy I just met at that time in confusion "You're welcome" he snotted out catching his breath

 " Why were you there?'' I asked and he just said "My sister wanted to get a coffee" he pointed to the girl behind me "And how did you know who I was?'' I asked and like before he simply said "You're famous now, and I watched the movie you're in with my brother" 

"and how do you know who I am?'' He asked then a bus passed right next to us with his face on it for the show he was in and I didn't even take my eyes off him "Ohh...'' he said slowly "You are kinda everywhere I look" I said with that I left and that was the last time I saw him in person.

that was a few months ago now things are different I had to see him every day and god! the way I was feeling for him and the way I saw him.

I found out I got the role and I got to see the set I bumped into some kid dropping the book that I was reading which was Percy Jackson and I went down to grab it and someone else did.

"here you dropped this, a great book by the way," the voice said and I locked eyes with him! Walker scobell again "Hey, we met," I said and he smiled at me.

we became friends not much later but as we were reading the script we paused looking at each other "We have a romance scene?'' we asked at the same time,

I went to my tailor pacing that day with my mom who was reading the script, and a fun fact is she was a shipper of Walker and me "It's not much but just this is so crazy" I said and my mom laughed. "you wanted this as a job," she said and I agreed with her but still, I was scared of that scene. 

the day came and god was I shaking and Walker being the kind jerk he was came asking if I was okay. "yeah, I'm fine, just nervous" I said then they said to get on set.

we got in our positions and I had to yell at Walker's character they said that we could improvise so I did my line "GOD! I can't stand you, you are so stupid running after that monster on your own! I WISH YOU WERE SMARTER! I can't stand you!" 

I said in my character and Walker just smiled "Why are you smiling like that?" I asked trying to stay in my character and Walker stepped to me slowly making me step back. "oh, don't stop telling me all the lies you tell yourself about how you feel about me" he said and my heart was beating so fast and I was pinned to a wall just looking up at him, since he was taller than me he had his hand next to my head

"cause I THINK, under this act of yours, you care about me'' he said inches away from my lips and I was super red under my makeup "AND CUT!" they said and I smiled awkwardly at Walker as I pushed through rushing to my mom.

"That was great!" she said and I went to grab my script and read through it and Walker's whole line was not part of it!!! not even the wall pinning!!! my face was super red again.

That night I couldn't sleep and now we had another scene that was keeping me up all night so I had no sleep. The next morning came too soon and the director said we have a kiss scene now! 

"wait! why?!" I asked in a panic knowing my first kiss was gonna be with my crush Walker! "cause the scene you two did was too good and we want to see more of that" he said and left like it was nothing.

the scene we had to was where his character apologizes in a hug which leads into a kiss and god what was I supposed to do?!

"having trouble kid?'' I heard a familiar voice I looked over and it was Tom I acted like a kid that just saw their dad coming home from work and hugged him super hard "TOMMY!" I said happily.

I had time to explain what was happening at work and Tom being the big brother figure told me to "go for it" I rolled my eyes and went to the set and saw Walker pacing back and forth.

"you okay, walk?'' I asked him and his face turned red "y..yeah, I'm great" he said stuttering "You look pretty" he said and then they called out to get in positions "And action!"

I was hugging Walker and I felt his arms around my waist holding me close to him feeling his head on my neck "You do know I care about you?" my character asked him and he said "Yeah, of course I do" We pulled away slowly not taking our eyes off each other and then moved in.

his blue eyes shined brighter and bluer than ever before and his lips met mine and he pulled me closer so I wrapped my arms around his neck on my tiptoes and he whispered through the kiss "I'm not acting" he said kissing me and then they said cut and I pulled away and I saw Tom carrying Zendaya around in a cheer.

"What did you mean by you saying you weren't acting?'' I asked smiling at him "Acting is hard when I'm falling for you" he kissed my cheek and my mom was recording from afar 

A/n: ima adding photos to help make you see and know enjoy the story more

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