under the Sea pt 2

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As Y/n sat on the sandy beach, her toes buried in the warm grains, she watched her friend Walker diving into the crystal-clear water and surfacing with a beaming smile on his face. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the salty smell of the ocean made her feel peaceful and content. But as she looked at Walker, she felt a warm flush creeping up her neck. 

She couldn't help but think about all the times he had been there for her, through thick and thin. Yet, the more she thought about it, the harder it became to keep her feelings for him buried deep inside. She knew that she risked ruining their friendship if she revealed her true emotions, but the desire to be more than just friends was becoming harder and harder to resist.

The sun was shining bright as Y/n and Walker were having a blast at the beach.  approached the shore, Walker asked Y/n, "Are you coming back here, Y/n?" She felt her cheeks turn red as she muttered a soft "Y-yeah..." Feeling a little embarrassed, she quickly got up and waded back into the refreshing water. The cool water was a welcomed reprieve from the heat, and she felt invigorated as she waded in further.

Walker followed her into the water, and soon the two of them were playfully splashing each other. Y/n laughed as she tried to dodge the water being splashed in her face. "HEY! WATCH IT SEA BOI!" she squealed, playfully protesting.

Walker, wanting to test Y/n's feelings, started swimming deeper into the water. Y/n felt a little uneasy as he swam away going under the water, but after a few minutes, she felt a sudden urge to dive underwater. As she opened her eyes, she saw Walker still there, unaware that he could hold his breath underwater for a good bit of time.

Without thinking, Y/n swam towards Walker and pulled him out of the water. As they both emerged from the water, their faces were inches apart, and Y/n could feel her heart racing. she pulled him onto the shore "WALKER!!!!" she screamed and was about to do CPR but he smiled "Got ya!" he said and Y/n got so mad at him.

The waves crashed against the shore as she stumbled upon him, lying motionless on the sand. "You jerk!" she exclaimed, pushing him back as he jolted up. "I thought you drowned!" 

"I'm a son of Poseidon," he replied, a smile playing on his lips. "I can't drown." She just scoffed, her heart racing with relief and anger.

"It's not okay to play with my feelings like that, especially since you already do it so much," she whispered, her eyes filled with tears. He could see the pain etched on her face, and it made his heart ache.

"I'm sorry," he said, his voice laced with regret. But she was too upset to deal with him, her emotions boiling over. She paced the beach, her feet sinking into the sand as she tried to calm down.

He felt terrible for how he had made her feel, so he mustered the courage to walk up to her and pull her into a hug. At first, she tried to resist, but eventually gave in, her body melting into his. The sound of the waves and the warmth of his embrace slowly eased her pain, and she knew that he was truly sorry.

As he gazed at her, he couldn't help but notice the subtle pink hue on her cheeks. He leaned in towards her, hoping to get closer, but before he could, she quickly moved away, covering her face. "No! Stop!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion. He could sense the sadness in her tone and asked, "Stop what?!". 

"Leading me on, Walker!" she replied, her eyes glistening with tears. At that moment, he knew he couldn't keep his feelings hidden any longer. He pulled her in by her wrist, feeling her warmth against his skin, and kissed her deeply. The intensity of the moment shook Y/n to the core, making her heart race with excitement and anticipation.

"how long?" he asked when he pulled away "A few months" he gave a small laugh which confused Y/n "I've been crushing since we met!"

A/n: this was super cute! can't wait for the teasing my friends will give me! but i want to thank each on ever single one of you for reading!

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