under the sea

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Walker seems to have a strong affinity for water and enjoys swimming in it for hours. On the other hand, Y/n has an intense fear of water, to the point that she would scream when near it. This fear has prevented her from enjoying activities such as swimming, boating, and kayaking, which are common pastimes for many people.

 However, it's possible that with the right support and encouragement, Y/n could overcome her fear of water and learn to enjoy these activities as well. It's important to approach this situation with sensitivity and patience, as overcoming phobias can be a challenging process.

Walker arrived unannounced at Y/n's doorstep, with a mischievous glint in his eye. He took her on an adventurous journey to conquer her fear of water. The day was filled with exciting activities, but he had kept the plan a secret from Y/n until they reached their destination. She couldn't believe he had put so much thought and effort into helping her overcome her fear.

Y/n's voice was filled with frustration and fear as she screamed at Walker upon their arrival at the beach. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" The sight of the water seemed to have triggered her anxiety, and she held onto Walker's arm tightly. However, he seemed proud of himself, as if he had done something right. "I thought we could try to help you overcome your fear of water," he said as if it was a perfectly reasonable idea. But Y/n couldn't shake the fear that had taken over her. 

With a beaming smile on his face, he steps into the crystal blue ocean. Meanwhile, Y/n stands on the beach, her heart pounding with fear of drowning. Noticing her apprehension, he quickly returns to the shore, takes her hand, and guides her into the water. He patiently shows her each step of learning how to swim and encourages her to take it slow.

 As Y/n becomes more comfortable, she starts to enjoy the thrill of the water. Each successive step brings more fun and excitement. Despite her growing confidence, Y/n is still afraid of drowning. "Promise me you won't let me drown," she implores, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

As Y/n watched Walker dive down into the water, she felt a sense of unease creeping over her. The water was deep, and she couldn't see where he had gone. She began to worry that something might have happened to him. Just as she was about to call out to him, a sudden splash of water hit her face, making her gasp and sputter. When she opened her eyes, she saw that it was Walker, grinning at her mischievously. He had been playing a joke on her all along, and she couldn't help but laugh at how silly she had been to worry.

"Scared, that's just so sweet" he teased getting closer to Y/n's face but Y/n blushed getting back to shore to head the pink hints on her face. the truth is that Y/n was crushing on Walker but couldn't find a way to tell him.

A/n: this was fun! Should I make a part two? if you have a suggestion please leave a comment 

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