the guy friend

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Thanks so much to @AyumiTakagashi For all the help with the suggestions!!! shout out to them!!! 🫶

alright, I might be jealous but only a little bit. It's not like I'm Y/n's only gut friend and I have to accept that but does it make me wanna beat up Jett? Yes, yes it does.

let me give you some info here, I have been friends with Y/n for 2 years now ever since I saw her at the park with her crocheting a bag under a tree as her friends did other stuff. But I wasn't her only guy friend which I wish I was. 

His name was Jett, I mean who names their kid that? But he was this cool guy I guess, but he had eyes for Y/n. He had dyed his hair Y/n's favorite color which of course pissed me off. He played guitar and acted like he was part of a band but he wasn't

Y/n always wanted to be a part of one that she would call the Sirens cause she loves myths. I could listen to her talk for hours but every time I was near her Jett would put his arm around her shoulder as though he was dating her! 

I have to admit I have been crushing over Y/n since she made me a sweater when I was away for work filming Percy Jackson and you can see me wearing the sweater in an interview it's the black one. But I was crushing hard...the way she smiled when she would create something that turned out, or the way she geeked out watching movies (mostly Marvel or DC) I wish I was the one with my arm around her.

But today my jealousy got out of hand. I was hanging out with Y/n at a park as she made a flower crown from real flowers and yarn. Staring at her was kinda getting weird so I sat next to her under the tree as she made the crown "How's it going?'' I asked trying to be a part of what she was doing.

"DONE!" she said placing the crown on my head "All hail the flower king!" she giggled and I couldn't help but smile at her. She rested her head on my shoulder as I placed the crown on her head "It fits you better" I said and she smirked.

She played with my hand; it was the best thing in the world and I wish it lasted, but like all things, it didn't.

Jett came over and I felt bitterness form in my gut "Hey babe" he expressed and I felt Y/n flinch at him stating 'babe' and so I questioned him "Why did you just call Y/n Babe?'' I attempted not to sound envious but it was hard even though I act as a career. 

"Oh...I call everyone babe" he said as he scratched the back of his neck like he was hiding something "But I do need Y/n real quick," he said and Y/n grabbed her yarn messing with it like she was tense, I had never seen her like this before when she was near Jett but something felt peculiar about this.

 "Alright," she said with a sigh getting up but I grabbed her hand "Are you sure?'' I sounded hesitant but she nodded still going with Jett "I'll be back in 5". I paced around the tree waiting it had been more than 5 minutes and I didn't know what to do so I called the one person who knew the most about this kinda stuff.

I called the scary girl ever Dior, she was also the sweetest person but that's if you were her friend. She told me she would meet me in the tree in a few moments.  Dior kept her word and I explained the whole situation.

She thought about something, like a plan or something but then she said to me "Look I think Jett is trying to ask Y/n to be his girl... and Y/n likes someone else, not saying I know who but I do" she said and it crushed me hearing that Y/n likes someone else that isn't me.

"who does Y/n like?" I asked but she placed a hand on my shoulder "Wow you Are so blind!" I didn't know what she meant by that but I saw Jett wrapping his arm around Y/n again so I went down with Dior and met with them.

"Hey, guys!!! Dior!!! I missed you!" Y/n squealed rushing out of Jett's arm and hugging Dior. Jett seemed like he didn't enjoy this at all and I wanted to punch him but I wanted to stay calm at least for Y/n.

"Focusing on me, I see?'' Dior said staring at Jett with her death stare I told Y/n we were leaving but Jett said "Come on man,  what do you have against me?'' and I faced him as he ran his finger through his hair and girls that walked by us giggle as he winked at them.

I lost control and punched him in the nose "My problem is you're an ass, and disloyal, you have been hitting on Y/n not even bothering to ask how she felt about it!" I said shaking my hand. Jett held his bleeding nose and Dior took Y/n away from this knowing I didn't want Y/n to see me like this but Y/n grabbed my hand as my knuckles bruised and bleed.

"Walker Scobell you are coming with us before you do something you regret " she demanded and I looked back at Jett and then at her "If I ever see you near Y/n again, I'll give you hell," I said taking y/n's word.

we went over to Y/n's house, Y/n looked at my knuckles mumbling something under her breath, Dior said goodbye giving Y/n a wink before she left but not before she said to me "Don't be an idiot, alright?'' 

"you know I can't do that" I replied to her as she messed up my hair and left. Y/n was not pleased though she started banding up my hand. I had no clue why I punch Jett but let me tell you readers it felt so fucking good, sorry about the f-word but not really! 

she finished and started walking away "Where are you going?'' I asked "I need to destress for a moment" and I saw she was holding the cloth she used to clean my hand like it was Jett's neck, or at least the way I would hold Jett's neck. "and how are you going to do that?'' I said worried about how she must've felt about me. "by demolishing the living room" I got up and took her hand into mine.

but as I looked down into her eyes she pecked my lips with hers and I fell to the ground hard and she gasped "WALKER ARE YOU OKAY?!" she said looking down at me on the ground so I thumbs up.

"Okay, well I think I should explain," she said sitting down by my side but as she was about to open her mouth to explain I kissed her and I didn't let her pull away until a few moments. I rested my forehead on hers as I said "I hate Jett...I wished I was him...I like you" I mumbled and she kissed my forehead.

"I know, I have been seeing the signs the whole time" She kissed my lips again but more than a peck and I deepened the kiss a little more. She pulled away "Walker, will you be my boyfriend?'' she asked and I got onto my feet and picked her up in a tight hug spinning her around in this hug.

"I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SINCE I MET YOU!!!" I said kissing her cheek a hundred times like a storm of rain hitting the windows.

A/n: I was vibing to Dior's newest song Focus as I made this!!! go check it out if you haven't already! and check out my YouTube I make Povs you can watch! and Edits

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