the golden retriever boy and the black cat girl pt 1

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Walker Scobell was an enigmatic personality; the kind of person who seemed to have stepped out of the pages of a novel. His aura exuded quiet confidence, and his every movement was calculated and purposeful. It was as if he possessed an otherworldly charm that could draw people towards him effortlessly. In short, Walker Scobell was a rare gem of a person, the likes of which one seldom comes across in real life.

Y/n was an introverted individual who preferred solitude over socializing. She found it difficult to trust people and was always cautious of others. She believed that letting people in would only lead to heartache and disappointment. Despite her reservations, she embraced her individuality and enjoyed her own company. However, she was not fond of physical contact and preferred to keep her distance from others, preferring to be a lone wolf.

In the quiet and peaceful ambiance of the library, two contrasting personalities unexpectedly met. The first one was the golden boy - a book lover who was searching for a specific book that he needed for his role. He was meticulously scanning the shelves, trying to find the book he needed. His love for books was evident from the way he touched each one gently and read the title with utmost care.

The second one was the black cat girl - a mysterious, enigmatic figure who caught the boy's attention as soon as he saw her. She was engrossed in reading the most thrilling book that the library had to offer. It was a book that had everything - adventure, action, and romance. The girl was hooked on it, but she knew that the romance part would not last; it was just a momentary escape from her life.

As the two wandered around the library, they eventually crossed paths. The boy was intrigued by the girl's aura of mystery and couldn't help but strike up a conversation with her. The girl, who was usually guarded, found herself opening up to the boy. They talked about their love for books and how they brought them together. Their conversation lasted for hours.

Y/n was a cautious person, especially when it came to matters of the heart. She had met a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, and while she was hopeful that he was genuine, she was still keeping her guard up. She didn't want to get her hopes up, only to have them dashed later. Despite her reservations, she couldn't help but feel drawn to him.

Y/n had been hurt before. Her best friend had once been someone she trusted completely, but when that friend became popular, she left Y/n behind. It was a heartbreaking experience for Y/n, and it left her feeling wary of letting anyone get too close to her again. But she was still willing to take a chance on this boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, hoping that he would prove to be different.

Walker was smitten by a girl who stood out to him as someone special. He was drawn to her not just because of her stunning appearance but also her sharp intellect. Her knuckles were marked with bruises and cuts, leaving him to wonder if she had been in a scuffle or a physical activity. But what captivated him the most were her eyes, which had a certain depth and mystery to them. Despite his best attempts to make her smile, he noticed that she seemed distant and guarded.

As the sun began to set, Walker and the stunning girl had been talking for six hours straight. They had lost track of time and were now facing the reality of having to say goodbye. Walker felt a pang of worry in his chest, as he wasn't sure if he would ever see her again. 

She seemed to keep to herself and didn't appear to enjoy being around others. Despite his fears, Walker mustered up the courage to ask for her number. "Here, umm... Call me, or text me...please," he begged, his voice trembling like that of a helpless puppy. After a brief moment of hesitation, the girl relented and gave him her number.

 As they parted ways, Walker couldn't help but wonder if this would be the beginning of something special or just another fleeting moment in his life.

she stepped away wondering how he had that effect on her. She had never let anyone do that to her before and she felt her face warm up and her heart racing.  Y/n looked back at him who had the biggest smile on his face and her face got warm again that she needed to look away from him.

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