I Like Your Laugh

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Branch finds Poppy's laugh very cute, so does she.
AN: We made it to 200 Chapters on here!!!

It’s silly , Poppy thinks to herself as she run another circle around the couch. But it still makes her laugh.

Branch is hot on her heels to try and catch her, and she's never seen a smile half as bright on his face before. Lights up the entire room like a bonfire; like a comet blazing through the sky. It blinds her to everything else but him , vivid and intense as the world dims out of existence.

And he laughs, too, not putting in even half of an effort into catching her. Teasing her is much more fun and Poppy almost falls from laughing even harder.

When she stopped abruptly, Branch halts on the opposite side of the couch. The teal troll is ready to spring while Poppy catches her breath and trying to come up with a new plan. Branch watches the pink girl intently, eyes narrowed as he focuses on Poppy. Head tilted to the side and he smiles, still smiles. Seems to know what she's up to even before she does. When Poppy bolts to the side, he’s right there and before she knows it, she's in his arms.

With a growl, Branch grabs Poppy, brings her down and they both fall on the couch, a tumbling heap of giggles.

And he kisses her, teases her, tickles her until Poppy just laugh, laugh, laugh.

Keeps laughing even after Branch stops, and she's never think it possible, but his smile is even brighter; warm and shining like a star. Looks so happy Poppy wants to burn the image into memory. Bottle it up and keep it as a pendant over her heart: every inch and taste of Branch she want for herself and he can’t stop giggling as Poppy kissed him, making her wonder if she said it out loud.

She really don’t know.

And as Poppy lay there, tangled in smiles and nuzzling closer, she feel consumed by this love of his for her.

A bonfire, truly, swallowing her whole. Burns more quiet now as they both settle in each other's arms, but it’s just as bright as before.

“I like your laugh.” Branch confesses quietly, and isn’t that silly too. Sweet the way only he can be.

The Pop Queen's heart’s like a bird song when she laughs, he says, and isn’t that the prettiest poetry on his lips? Makes Poppy want to kiss every rhyme, each stanza tasting like an ode to love - a cherry sweetness in the corner of his lips that’s truly only yours.

This, she does say out loud. And when Branch laughs, Poppy swears that she can hear it too.

A song in his heart when it beats in time with hers.

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